Sunday, December 30, 2018
I was rereading my holmes edition and saw something I had glossed over previously about determining initiative; that...
I was rereading my holmes edition and saw something I had glossed over previously about determining initiative; that if dex scores between opponents is within 2 points, you roll a d6 to decide. One could extrapolate that initiative is dex + d6, perhaps to speed things up
Quick question for the rules experts, is a heavy crossbow fired once every 3 rounds or 4?
Quick question for the rules experts, is a heavy crossbow fired once every 3 rounds or 4? The reason I ask is it says light crossbows are like heavy weapons and fire basically once every 2 rounds but that heavy crossbows take twice as long to load and fire. Any thoughts?
Saturday, December 29, 2018
This list made the rounds several weeks ago. I shared on my social media, but have now added it to my blog.
This list made the rounds several weeks ago. I shared on my social media, but have now added it to my blog.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
The kid got the new Oregon Trail handheld for Xmas.
The kid got the new Oregon Trail handheld for Xmas. I somehow missed this game as a kid. It took about an hour but on my first try I successfully navigated my carpenter and his family - with no deaths - to the Willamette Valley in Oregon. So I still haven't experienced the infamous death by dysentery.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Mapping Holmes: A Theory
Mapping Holmes: A Theory
I have long wanted to do a map inspired by Holmes world as it appears in the Tales of Peril collection. On review I have come to two conclusions and would like my fellow Holmes scholars input.
Portown as it is described in the Blue book Sample Dungeon is inspired on the fictional Arkham from Lovecraft's stories, particularly "The Festival". Mapping it too close to the "Maze of Peril" world is a mistake.
I think Holmes' "Tales of Peril" world was inspired by the geography around the Black Sea and Northern Turkey.
I think Portown was inspired by Holmes "port city" of Bythinium.
Bythinium (also called Claudiopolis), was a Roman city near present-day Bolu in north-western Turkey.
Holmes world was inspired by the geography of classical myth; especially the "Golden Fleece" locations around the the Black Sea. The city of Caladan's name was inspired by Dune; but the Greek origin of that fictional world's ruling dynasty is a clue.
This part of the world had numerous Greek colonies in the ancient era and Byzantine states in the medieval world.
I think Caladan may be roughly where roman Claudiopolis was in his fictional reality.
The forest terrain would also make sense.
Heraclea Pontica would be a good possible candidate for the location of Holmes' relocated Bythinium. I think he just kept Caladan's old name but just moved the location North. Also the term could refer to the entire area.
Another clue is that north of this area is the legendary home of the classical Amazons, a major faction along with Pirates and Dagonites in Holmesian world.
Homles' lost city could be in a fictional Arabian desert south of here (matching Howard's Nameless City) and his East Africa inspired locations also make sense (Eastern Africa was heavily influenced by medieval Islam).
Aren't there also references in Holmes Tales of Peril to the "Iranian coast"? Portown's "Islamic culture" to the South?
Tell me what you think!
Sunday, December 23, 2018
A play report
Thom Hall wrote:
(a post of mine taken from another private forum tonight)
Played our first D&D game with my son (age 5) tonight. My wife Kristi ran the game and used the blueholme ruleset. It's holmes basic d&d but expanded to level 20. It was fantastic fun as anticipated but after the first combat my son inspired these: shark toothed arrows (+1 damage)
He was playing a centaur armed with a bow and shot this sharklike creature with arms and legs coming ashore while our party slept near by. After killing the thing with the help from his pop's fighter (he woke me up to help) he decided he wanted to make arrows from the shark teeth. Kristi and I both were surprised by his suggestion and she absolutely allowed it. The result was simply arrows that deal a bit more damage but the story behind them will be one as a beardo gamer dad I will never forget. :)
(a post of mine taken from another private forum tonight)
Played our first D&D game with my son (age 5) tonight. My wife Kristi ran the game and used the blueholme ruleset. It's holmes basic d&d but expanded to level 20. It was fantastic fun as anticipated but after the first combat my son inspired these: shark toothed arrows (+1 damage)
He was playing a centaur armed with a bow and shot this sharklike creature with arms and legs coming ashore while our party slept near by. After killing the thing with the help from his pop's fighter (he woke me up to help) he decided he wanted to make arrows from the shark teeth. Kristi and I both were surprised by his suggestion and she absolutely allowed it. The result was simply arrows that deal a bit more damage but the story behind them will be one as a beardo gamer dad I will never forget. :)
Friday, December 21, 2018
My "Return to the Tower of Zenopus" con scenario is now retitled In Search of the Brazen Head of Zenopus.
My "Return to the Tower of Zenopus" con scenario is now retitled In Search of the Brazen Head of Zenopus. As mentioned previously, Mike Mearls is running a "Return to the Tower of Zenopus" at Gary Con this year, so this motivated me to change the title. I like the new title better, as it's both more original and more descriptive. After all, it's not really a return to the Tower, just the dungeons, plus finding the missing talking mask is a "win" for the scenario (Murray wants it, naturally). The "In search of" is of course a nod to the title of B1. The other part comes from an old post about the talking mask, linked below. #brazenheadofzenopus
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Holmes for the Holidays 2018! Comment over on the blog to enter.
Holmes for the Holidays 2018! Comment over on the blog to enter.
Question to the group.
Question to the group. What would you say are the major STYLE changes between Holmes (Blue Book) Basic and Moldvay (Red Book) Basic?
Back in the day, we played them both, often interchangeably, but now some 40 years later I want to go back and cover some of the nuances that a 10-year-old me would not have seen or really appreciated.
Not looking for scholarship here (although that is appreciated!) I am looking more for experiences and opinions.
Back in the day, we played them both, often interchangeably, but now some 40 years later I want to go back and cover some of the nuances that a 10-year-old me would not have seen or really appreciated.
Not looking for scholarship here (although that is appreciated!) I am looking more for experiences and opinions.
Monday, December 17, 2018
This kind of has a Holmes vibe to me😎 It's from an old Dragonmagazine. (Hat tip to Wayne's books for the pic)
Scott Mob wrote:
This kind of has a Holmes vibe to me😎 It's from an old Dragon magazine. (Hat tip to Wayne's books for the pic)
Saturday, December 15, 2018
A handout I made for my "Return to the Tower of Zenopus" convention game --- a Player Map for the Zenopus Dungeon.
A handout I made for my "Return to the Tower of Zenopus" convention game --- a Player Map for the Zenopus Dungeon. It uses J. Eric Holmes' original drawing for the dungeon, but with the key removed. Use with the original or any sequel.
A handout I made for my In Search of the Brazen Head of Zenopus convention game --- a Player Map for the Zenopus...
A handout I made for my In Search of the Brazen Head of Zenopus convention game --- a Player Map for the Zenopus Dungeon. It uses J. Eric Holmes' original drawing for the dungeon, but with the key removed. Use with the original or any sequel. #brazenheadofzenopus
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Big auction going on with a number of DCS and Roslof art pieces.
Big auction going on with a number of DCS and Roslof art pieces.
Heads up, true believers: Luke's limited edition Garycon dice just went up for sale.
Heads up, true believers: Luke's limited edition Garycon dice just went up for sale. This set of 5 dice replicates the colors (and the 20-sided d10) of our beloved low-impact dice set. 500 sets are available, stock is already down to under 430. Note this is a pre-order. (I was very pleased with the Gary Con IX Dice Bag he offered this way a few years ago.)
Friday, December 7, 2018
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands has a mimic variant called the Shy Tower, this could be one of those
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands has a mimic variant called the Shy Tower, this could be one of those
Originally shared by Brett Slocum
The dread gazebo
Originally shared by Brett Slocum
The dread gazebo
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
A 1973 preview in Airfix Magazine - months before D&D was first published - of one of the earliest fantasy miniature...
A 1973 preview in Airfix Magazine - months before D&D was first published - of one of the earliest fantasy miniature lines, Mythical Earth by Minifigs. Tolkien was still alive when this was published! Read more here:
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
The earliest ad for the first Basic Set? From the 1977 Gen Con Souvenir Program. Read more here:
The earliest ad for the first Basic Set? From the 1977 Gen Con Souvenir Program. Read more here:
Sunday, December 2, 2018
The earliest ad for Holmes Basic?
The earliest ad for Holmes Basic? Found in the 1977 Gen Con X Souvenir Program, pics courtesy Demos Sachlas. Read more here:
Friday, November 30, 2018
Art & Arcana reviewed in the NYT. Kind of a short, workmanlike review, but positive. H/t
Art & Arcana reviewed in the NYT. Kind of a short, workmanlike review, but positive. H/t
Robert Diber
Robert Diber
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Crazies from the ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK boardgame rulebook, TSR, 1981.
Crazies from the ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK boardgame rulebook, TSR, 1981.
Note Erol Otus' initials are backwards = OƎ
Was it drawn this way or was the image flipped during production?
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
My Gary Con XI game has been approved!
My Gary Con XI game has been approved! It's the same adventure as last year that I ran at North Texas but not Gary Con (because I had to cancel). It's now retitled In Search of the Brazen Head of Zenopus due to Mike Mearls using "Return to the Tower of Zenopus" for his game. I'm actually happier with the new title as it is more original and describes the goal of the con game. Murray wants that talking mask!
I've only submitted one session so far, for Fri morning 9-1. I'm still trying to decide on another time. My game won't appear on the Gary Con schedule until after they close registration (late December). They have 16 pages of games up now, but they are all Featured Events. #brazenheadofzenopus
I've only submitted one session so far, for Fri morning 9-1. I'm still trying to decide on another time. My game won't appear on the Gary Con schedule until after they close registration (late December). They have 16 pages of games up now, but they are all Featured Events. #brazenheadofzenopus
If you missed it, I've been blogging my way through J.
If you missed it, I've been blogging my way through J. Eric Holmes' Maze of Peril. Chapter 1, Scene 7 ""The Grisly Business of Swallowing the Corpses", was posted two days ago (after a break of a few months). Of particular note in this installment, I show part of Holmes' original D&D map that corresponds to the story.
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
I'd never heard about this before, but apparently one of the Undermountain maps includes the map from B1 In Search...
I'd never heard about this before, but apparently one of the Undermountain maps includes the map from B1 In Search of the Unknown. I just saw it mentioned on twitter, but Dyson Logos blogged about it back in 2011! Per his post it's in the Eastern part of Level 1. Other parts of the maps come from a Tekumel megadungeon that David Sutherland drew back in '70s.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Delta on the distribution of alignments of humans in his OD&D games:
Delta on the distribution of alignments of humans in his OD&D games:
Maze of Peril Ch 1, Scene 7: "The Grisly Business of Swallowing the Corpses"
Maze of Peril Ch 1, Scene 7: "The Grisly Business of Swallowing the Corpses"
The Tales of Peril book club is back, and with another glimpse of one of Holmes' original dungeon maps!
The Tales of Peril book club is back, and with another glimpse of one of Holmes' original dungeon maps!
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Friday, November 23, 2018
Are you in New York City or the surrounding area?
Are you in New York City or the surrounding area? I'm thinking of organizing a gathering. The first step is to find out who is interested. Click below and fill out the form if you are.
Feel free to repost.
Feel free to repost.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Today's session:
Originally shared by Van Noa
Today's session:
The PC's rode a runaway mine cart to it's conclusion nearly faceplanting in front of the skeletal guardsman. They bluffed their way past the Captain, securing some information on the where abouts of the Sunshard. Avoiding being pulverized on a conveyor belt, made short work of my rock eating monsters, knocked over the oldest tree in an underground arboreum and fought off a squad of attack penguins.
Overall a great game! Heading to the conclusion of the evil elemental forces beneath Skull Mountain.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Comment on the original post below (not my reshare) to be entered towin a drawing for a copy of Bayt al Azif #1,...
Comment on the original post below (not my reshare) to be entered to win a drawing for a copy of Bayt al Azif #1, the new CoC zine in which I have an article with an illustration by Chris Holmes . Jared is the editor and publisher of the zine.
Originally shared by Jared Smith
To celebrate our one monthversary, we are giving away 3 free copies of Bayt al Azif 1!
Just +1 and Comment below to be entered in the drawing. (You can tell us about a character going crazy if you want!)
Bayt al Azif 1 includes 3 scenarios (statted for both Call of Cthulhu 7th edition and GUMSHOE/Trail of Cthulhu/Fall of DELTA GREEN): secret agents tracking down something smuggled into medieval Damascus, a group of teenagers spending the night in an abandoned school, and an investigation into a shooting of civilians during the US-Vietnam War. Plus a solo adventure set in the Miskatonic University Library, interviews with Chris Spivey of Darker Hue Studios and with Rogue Cthulhu, reviews of classic Cthulhu RPGs and all the releases of 2017, plus history, comics, advice, and more!
The drawing is for a PDF copy of the issue, but if over 100 people enter, one winner will also get a softcover print copy. If over 200 people enter, another winner will also get a hardcover print copy! Winners will be drawn on Monday, November 26, 1 pm EST.
We've really appreciated the support and response to issue 1 so far, we are working on issue 2 already! Thank you so much!
Here's a link to the listing on with preview pages:
Studio Ghibli's first film, Castle in the Sky is back in theatres across the country tonight at 7 PM.
Studio Ghibli's first film, Castle in the Sky is back in theatres across the country tonight at 7 PM. Check your local listings.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
I found an obscure illustration of a dragon by Larry Elmore in a 1982 TSR-licensed product that is clearly in the...
I found an obscure illustration of a dragon by Larry Elmore in a 1982 TSR-licensed product that is clearly in the vein of the Sutherland Red Dragon ---
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Watch the trailer, it features the Holmes Basic set.
Watch the trailer, it features the Holmes Basic set.
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
I backed this Gygax documentary Kickstarter. 2 hours left!
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
I backed this Gygax documentary Kickstarter. 2 hours left!
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Tegel Manor reprint
Just got this in the mail today, impressed with the quality. How about this for some Holiday gaming, bust out your Holmes box set, old Ral Partha and Grenadier minis, roll up characters, hand the players their player map and some graph paper, give them the creepy back story and off you go .
Originally shared by Scott Mob
Today's mail arrival. I really need to stop ordering stuff. They did a good job with this JG reprint. 3 detached maps come with it(player, manor and area).
This is a little off topic, but I know some of you have read MarvelComics.
Chris Holmes wrote:
This is a little off topic, but I know some of you have read Marvel Comics. I read an obituary of Stan Lee yesterday and learned that the Fantastic Four and I were both born in 1961. This made me doubly happy because it was my childhood favorite. Apparently Dad read us Marvel comics aloud before my brother and I could read ourselves. May the God's bless Stan Lee and Jack Kirbyville and Steve Ditko too.
This is a little off topic, but I know some of you have read Marvel Comics. I read an obituary of Stan Lee yesterday and learned that the Fantastic Four and I were both born in 1961. This made me doubly happy because it was my childhood favorite. Apparently Dad read us Marvel comics aloud before my brother and I could read ourselves. May the God's bless Stan Lee and Jack Kirbyville and Steve Ditko too.
AD&D Playing Aids Binders
AD&D Playing Aids Binders with fantastic cover art by Alex Nuckols. Produced by St Regis under license from TSR. See the rest of the line here ---
Originally shared by Scott Mob
Most recent items to enter my crib. The Dark Tower is in good shape and works. From an extra life charity event silent auction I won locally here.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
"Fasten your seatbelt, True Believer!"
"Fasten your seatbelt, True Believer!"
I will always remember Stan Lee's excellent narration for Spiderman and His Amazing Friends (1981) and the Incredible Hulk (1982). It's hard to find good audio clips of this on-line, but here is a trailer for the Hulk show which features his narration.
I will always remember Stan Lee's excellent narration for Spiderman and His Amazing Friends (1981) and the Incredible Hulk (1982). It's hard to find good audio clips of this on-line, but here is a trailer for the Hulk show which features his narration.
I wrote up the short list of articles I've had published in print/pdf other than at the Zenopus Archives blog/site.
I wrote up the short list of articles I've had published in print/pdf other than at the Zenopus Archives blog/site. Includes publications by Demos Sachlas Allan Grohe Jon Hershberger Jon Wilson Michael Thomas Wayne Rossi
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Matango (Mushroom People) for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Some good old fashioned body horror mushrooms! Also, the matango laugh sound is one of the most horrifying noises I've ever heard.
Some good old fashioned body horror mushrooms! Also, the matango laugh sound is one of the most horrifying noises I've ever heard.
Friday, November 2, 2018
Got my copy of Arts and Arcana on Halloween
Chris Holmes wrote:
Got my copy of Arts and Arcana on Halloween. Just the treat I wanted. Really nice sections on Sutherland and Otis. Blue book gets a nice page. Lots of interesting info and art. Allan G and Billy Galaxy get acknowledged
Zach probably should have got acknowledged for bringing the original text to light.
I am still reading it and finding more treasures.
Thanks for another great book Jon.
Got my copy of Arts and Arcana on Halloween. Just the treat I wanted. Really nice sections on Sutherland and Otis. Blue book gets a nice page. Lots of interesting info and art. Allan G and Billy Galaxy get acknowledged
Zach probably should have got acknowledged for bringing the original text to light.
I am still reading it and finding more treasures.
Thanks for another great book Jon.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Perusing my copy of the 1975 Tomb of Horrors, I was pleased to see that despite the brevity of the original...
Perusing my copy of the 1975 Tomb of Horrors, I was pleased to see that despite the brevity of the original descriptions the exact phrase "green devil face" appears when describing the famous trap.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Pumpkin Goblins
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Something goofy for Halloween!
Something goofy for Halloween!
Happy All Hallows' Eve!
Happy All Hallows' Eve!
Here's an audio-visual treat from your early 80s music class ---
Here's an audio-visual treat from your early 80s music class ---
I have an article --- with a new artwork by Chris Holmes --- in the first issue of a new Call of Cthulhu zine, Bayt...
I have an article --- with a new artwork by Chris Holmes --- in the first issue of a new Call of Cthulhu zine, Bayt al Azif. Read more here ---
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Dessicators for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
A spooky undead water elemental for your Halloween games!
A spooky undead water elemental for your Halloween games!
I thought you guys might like this!
I thought you guys might like this! I don't know what you'll agree or disagree with, but it's a heartfelt dialogue from two people for whom Holmes was our first role-playing game, at different places and almost the same time. I'd be really interested in your own circumstances of discovering the game, in comparison.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Morlocks for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
I converted Pathfinder's odd take on Morlocks to Holmes Basic. Not accurate to The Time Machine, but neat monsters nonetheless.
I converted Pathfinder's odd take on Morlocks to Holmes Basic. Not accurate to The Time Machine, but neat monsters nonetheless.
FYI, in case you did not know, the special edition of the new Arts & Arcana book as an extra includes a digest-sized...
FYI, in case you did not know, the special edition of the new Arts & Arcana book as an extra includes a digest-sized booklet with two "new" OD&D adventures - the original tournament version of Tomb of Horrors (from 1975) and Alan Lucien's 5-page dungeon that inspired it.
Suggested locations for the Tomb of Horrors on the "Great Kingdom" map, provided by the recent printing of the...
Suggested locations for the Tomb of Horrors on the "Great Kingdom" map, provided by the recent printing of the original tournament version, included with the special edition of the new Art & Arcana book.
Stunner of the week --- the short dungeon that inspired Tomb of Horrors is actually much closer in design to the...
Stunner of the week --- the short dungeon that inspired Tomb of Horrors is actually much closer in design to the tomb in Gygax's lengthy Necropolis than it is to the actual Tomb of Horrors! This was revealed by the publication of the special edition of Arts & Arcana, which included a reprint of the original tournament version of Tomb of Horrors, and as a bonus, Alan Lucien's original dungeon that inspired it. Read about Trent's find here ---
Allan Grohe Jon Peterson Guy Fullerton
Allan Grohe Jon Peterson Guy Fullerton
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Origins documentary on ancient weapons on Netflix.
Chris Holmes wrote:
For my fellow ancient weapons nerds: I watched the beginning of a documentary series called Origins on Netflix. Episode 2 on the history of archery attributed the invention of the crossbow to Leonardo Da Vinci. I love Da Vinci but, I know he didn't actually invent anything and in seemed like crossbows were around earlier. A little research showed they were hundreds of years earlier in China. The same show described the Hittites as Europeans.
For my fellow ancient weapons nerds: I watched the beginning of a documentary series called Origins on Netflix. Episode 2 on the history of archery attributed the invention of the crossbow to Leonardo Da Vinci. I love Da Vinci but, I know he didn't actually invent anything and in seemed like crossbows were around earlier. A little research showed they were hundreds of years earlier in China. The same show described the Hittites as Europeans.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Just opened my Arts & Arcana deluxe set now, after falling asleep early two nights in a row.
Just opened my Arts & Arcana deluxe set now, after falling asleep early two nights in a row. Nicely packaged by Amazon, no corners bumped this time. It's in a massive, heavy box. The extras are in a parchment envelope affixed to the inside of the lid.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Got my Amazon shipping notification for my pre-ordered copy of deluxe Art & Arcana!
Got my Amazon shipping notification for my pre-ordered copy of deluxe Art & Arcana! Should be delivered tomorrow. Here's another preview article about it from Polygon today.
Friday, October 19, 2018
The preview for this prominently features our dice, plus a shot of Holmes Basic at 1:05.
The preview for this prominently features our dice, plus a shot of Holmes Basic at 1:05. And Jon Peterson among others. : )
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
Kickstarter for a Gygax documentary, The Dreams in Gary's Basement, by Dorks of Yore/Pat Kilbane. Includes a 2:42 minute preview.
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
Kickstarter for a Gygax documentary, The Dreams in Gary's Basement, by Dorks of Yore/Pat Kilbane. Includes a 2:42 minute preview.
Syfy preview of Art & Arcana.
Syfy preview of Art & Arcana. This article includes a section called "D&D goes to college" that talks about Holmes' work.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Geek & Sundry preview of the forthcoming Art & Arcana ---...
Geek & Sundry preview of the forthcoming Art & Arcana ---
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Gholdakos for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Been a while since I converted from a modern system. I thought these fellas were interesting, so decided to give them the Holmes treatment.
Been a while since I converted from a modern system. I thought these fellas were interesting, so decided to give them the Holmes treatment.
A fun story about how Greg Stafford may have received the first ever sold copy of OD&D ---
A fun story about how Greg Stafford may have received the first ever sold copy of OD&D ---
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Saturday, October 13, 2018
I had a great session today running Holmes edition at Big Bad Con, here on the left coast.
I had a great session today running Holmes edition at Big Bad Con, here on the left coast. I used the Fantasy Games Unlimited "Citadel" adventure game as the basic premise for the module and stocked the lovely tiles with a bit of my own weirdness and the sample wandering monster tables provided in the holmes book. I am pretty sure at least 10 player characters were killed in the process and each of the players seemed to enjoy themselves nonetheless. I leverage a house rule mechanic where when someone loses a PC, they get a replacement character but I place the "Santa Muerte" candle in front of them. If you ever lose a PC and you already have Santa Muerte with her eye on you, you are not given a replacement. There is just one candle and it gets passed amongst the players as they earn the attention of Santa Muerte. This works well for convention games to keep players in the session in spite of their poor choices.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
The Mothman and Goatman for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
A malevolent bringer of doom, or a simple observer of tragedy?
Zenopus note: Also the Goatman:
A malevolent bringer of doom, or a simple observer of tragedy?
Zenopus note: Also the Goatman:
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
I am beginning to seriously consider Jon Wilson's idea of making acryptid themed Holmes Basic zine called Project...
Tristan Tanner wrote:
I am beginning to seriously consider Jon Wilson's idea of making a cryptid themed Holmes Basic zine called Project Bluebook. [EDIT: My apologies, I misremembered, it was Zach H's idea]
I am beginning to seriously consider Jon Wilson's idea of making a cryptid themed Holmes Basic zine called Project Bluebook. [EDIT: My apologies, I misremembered, it was Zach H's idea]
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
FYI --- as of today, the original Gamma World RPG (1E) is up on Drive Thru in both PDF and Print-on-Demand versions!
FYI --- as of today, the original Gamma World RPG (1E) is up on Drive Thru in both PDF and Print-on-Demand versions! $10 PDF, $20 POD, or $22 for both. It's the boxed set rather than the just the rulebook, so it includes the map. No low-impact dice, however : ) (Link includes my affiliate number.)
Monday, October 8, 2018
Social media sites come and go, but the old D&D forums are still going strong.
Social media sites come and go, but the old D&D forums are still going strong. If you missed it before, I'm now one of the mods over at OD&D Discussion. Currently you can't see all of the content unless you are registered and logged in. Leave a message below if you register and I'll facilitate approval.
Y'all have been so kind with your feedback and information, so I wantedto try and give you a heads up.
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Y'all have been so kind with your feedback and information, so I wanted to try and give you a heads up. Google+ is gonna be ending soon, and that means the OSR community is gonna have to migrate. For now, Chris McDowall's OSR discord server seems the best bet for a temporary life raft. (Link is here )
Y'all have been so kind with your feedback and information, so I wanted to try and give you a heads up. Google+ is gonna be ending soon, and that means the OSR community is gonna have to migrate. For now, Chris McDowall's OSR discord server seems the best bet for a temporary life raft. (Link is here )
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Preview of the upcoming Art & Arcana book by Tenkar inc the Holmes page showing the cover art by DCS and a page of...
Preview of the upcoming Art & Arcana book by Tenkar inc the Holmes page showing the cover art by DCS and a page of the manuscript with art by Chris Holmes
Sacnoth's Scriptorium is the blog of John Rateliff, author of the History of the Hobbit.
Sacnoth's Scriptorium is the blog of John Rateliff, author of the History of the Hobbit. Here he talks about the surprise of encountering evil elves when first reading the Silmarillion in 1977.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Bone Bugs for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
These are just crawling all over Skull Mountain. They wouldn't be that much of a problem, but the necromancers who made them out of spare parts also decided to add a deadly dose of venom to their fangs...
These are just crawling all over Skull Mountain. They wouldn't be that much of a problem, but the necromancers who made them out of spare parts also decided to add a deadly dose of venom to their fangs...
Save or Die Side Adventure #14
Carl Heyl wrote:
A new Save or Die Side Adventure where I am joined by Chris Holmes for a casual conversation about house rules. There is also a little bit of Holmes Basic talk in this episode.
Monday, October 1, 2018
There were actually two different versions of TSR's Lizard Logo!
There were actually two different versions of TSR's Lizard Logo! The original used the Greg Bell art from Greyhawk, the second was re-drawn by David Sutherland. The first printing of Holmes Basic uses the original Lizard Logo, the third print uses the later "imposter" version.
Originally shared by Jon Peterson
A bit of artistic arcana in D&D history: the case of the impostor lizardman.
Originally shared by Jon Peterson
A bit of artistic arcana in D&D history: the case of the impostor lizardman.
If any Holmes fans are going to be at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia in a couple of months (11/30-12/2), I'm going to...
If any Holmes fans are going to be at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia in a couple of months (11/30-12/2), I'm going to be running a Holmes Basic session using B1 In Search of the Unknown as envisioned by Dyson Logos in his "ReQuasqueton" map (reduced down to about 16 rooms). It's part of a larger old-school gaming effort at the convention. I'll share scheduling info as I have it.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Three great things in this podcast episode:
Three great things in this podcast episode:
1. We learn Laura Hickman was the first of the pair to play D&D.
2. We lean Tracy Hickman's first D&D was the Holmes box set.
3. Tracy and Laura Hickman talk about developing the I6 Ravenloft module and more.
The Hickman's interview starts about halfway in.
1. We learn Laura Hickman was the first of the pair to play D&D.
2. We lean Tracy Hickman's first D&D was the Holmes box set.
3. Tracy and Laura Hickman talk about developing the I6 Ravenloft module and more.
The Hickman's interview starts about halfway in.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Jon Peterson's latest on D&D history, including the original combat algorithm.
Jon Peterson's latest on D&D history, including the original combat algorithm. Two new glimpses of Gygax's pre-publication draft, "Guidon D&D", including an earlier version of the combat table.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Armor class 2 originally meant two increments of 1-20, i.e. a 10% chance of being hit by a first level fighter!
Armor class 2 originally meant two increments of 1-20, i.e. a 10% chance of being hit by a first level fighter!
Originally shared by Jon Peterson
Why did armor class in original D&D descend from 9 to 2 instead of increasing as it gets better? The answer is spelled out in the first draft of D&D: if you were a first-level fighter rolling to hit, the number you needed was equivalent to 20 minus the armor class of your target.
Originally shared by Jon Peterson
Why did armor class in original D&D descend from 9 to 2 instead of increasing as it gets better? The answer is spelled out in the first draft of D&D: if you were a first-level fighter rolling to hit, the number you needed was equivalent to 20 minus the armor class of your target.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Per Luke Gygax, the Gary Con dice this year will be a tribute to the original D&D dice...!
Per Luke Gygax, the Gary Con dice this year will be a tribute to the original D&D dice...!
Gygax tribute mini from Bear Miniatures. h/t Mark Hunt
Gygax tribute mini from Bear Miniatures. h/t Mark Hunt
This is a painted version of the unpainted
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Bigfoot for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Unlike most of the other cryptids so far, this one is the most modified from its original source material. While I have read an article and seen theories from bigfoot enthusiasts claiming the being may be extradimensional, the connection to the Dimensional Shambler is wholly my own, and may not fit for the typical game. In such a case where a more mundane bigfoot is desired, simply use the combat statistics of a bugbear, but with 2 claws and a bite attack, dealing 1-4 damage and 1-6 damage respectively.
Unlike most of the other cryptids so far, this one is the most modified from its original source material. While I have read an article and seen theories from bigfoot enthusiasts claiming the being may be extradimensional, the connection to the Dimensional Shambler is wholly my own, and may not fit for the typical game. In such a case where a more mundane bigfoot is desired, simply use the combat statistics of a bugbear, but with 2 claws and a bite attack, dealing 1-4 damage and 1-6 damage respectively.
Friday, September 21, 2018
The Mad Gasser of Mattoon and the Mongolian Death Worm for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Two creatures that are completely unrelated, aside from maybe some relation to poison/venom. The death worm is more suited for a more typical D&D scenario, though the Phantom Anesthetist would be an interesting monster to prowl the streets of Portown by night.
Two creatures that are completely unrelated, aside from maybe some relation to poison/venom. The death worm is more suited for a more typical D&D scenario, though the Phantom Anesthetist would be an interesting monster to prowl the streets of Portown by night.
Scott Mob started a "Do you own a Holmes box set" poll/thread over on ODD74.
Scott Mob started a "Do you own a Holmes box set" poll/thread over on ODD74. The poll options are Yes, Nyet, or Just the rulebook, no box. Feel free to answer here or there.
(you need to be a member and logged in to see this part of the board now)
(you need to be a member and logged in to see this part of the board now)
Thursday, September 20, 2018
The Hopkinsville Goblins for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
The original "Little Green Men" that allegedly terrorized a small farm in Kentucky during the August of 1955. I'd think they'd work well in a small, somewhat humorous scenario, where the adventurers are hired to help protect a farm house that is being invaded by these odd creatures.
The original "Little Green Men" that allegedly terrorized a small farm in Kentucky during the August of 1955. I'd think they'd work well in a small, somewhat humorous scenario, where the adventurers are hired to help protect a farm house that is being invaded by these odd creatures.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Flatwoods Monster for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
A meteor crashed down into the nearby woods, and there has been an unearthly pungent mist around the crash site. Local kids in the area who went to take a look, report seeing two glowing eyes, peering at them from the woods...
A meteor crashed down into the nearby woods, and there has been an unearthly pungent mist around the crash site. Local kids in the area who went to take a look, report seeing two glowing eyes, peering at them from the woods...
April 1976 Gygax Correspondence
April 1976 Gygax correspondence posted on the Acaeum (with the recipient's info redacted). Dig the Lizard Logo letterhead!
Read more here
Monday, September 17, 2018
The Jersey/Leeds Devil for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
As per the request of Chris Holmes, I present the Jersey/Leeds Devil for Holmes basic!
As per the request of Chris Holmes, I present the Jersey/Leeds Devil for Holmes basic!
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The Chupacabra for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
The ranchers near Portown have been finding their livestock dead, with puncture wounds in their necks and their bodies drained of blood. Most believe it to be the work of a cult, while others think it is the work of juvenile delinquents. A few, older, more superstitious townsfolk know the dark truth...
The ranchers near Portown have been finding their livestock dead, with puncture wounds in their necks and their bodies drained of blood. Most believe it to be the work of a cult, while others think it is the work of juvenile delinquents. A few, older, more superstitious townsfolk know the dark truth...
Friday, September 14, 2018
Book of Delves by Tristan Tanner
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Not strictly Holmes basic, but might be useful if anyone is in need of some short dungeon delves for their games! The monster statistics included in the book are roughly compatible with the Holmes rules, though armor is listed as "Leather" or "Chain" instead of 8 and 6.
Not strictly Holmes basic, but might be useful if anyone is in need of some short dungeon delves for their games! The monster statistics included in the book are roughly compatible with the Holmes rules, though armor is listed as "Leather" or "Chain" instead of 8 and 6.
If you'd like to pick up PDF or print copies of Fantastic!
If you'd like to pick up PDF or print copies of Fantastic! Exciting! Imaginative! both volumes can be got at a discount.
And there aren't a lot of copies of Volume 2 left...
Originally shared by Jon Wilson (bygrinstow)
Inner Ham items for DCC and for the OSR are discounted NOW!
PDFs go on sale Saturday morning via RPGNow:
Print versions are discounted right now as part of my eBay listings:
(If for some reason you want the full-priced print versions, you can grab those via my site:
Jump on in! Pick up what you're missing! Sample something you haven't seen before! Make me stop using exclamation points!
All orders of physical product will come with the little monster stat card pictured below.
If you've got any questions on any of these products, ask here...
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Formally announcing the J. Eric Holmes Photo Gallery ---
Formally announcing the J. Eric Holmes Photo Gallery ---
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
This beauty came in the mail today!
Will Tijernia wrote:
This beauty came in the mail today! Words cannot adequately describe how wonderful this book is. Time to dive right in!
A set of officially licensed figures by Grenadier for the Dungeonboardgame.
A set of officially licensed figures by Grenadier for the Dungeon boardgame. From 1979 or 1980. The board shown in the advertisement is the older version with tiny cards that you could fit on each room. Looks like the set had 8 figures, 2 each for Hero, Elf, Superhero, Wizard, probably recycled from their other products. #dungeonboardgame
Pic is from Lost Minis wiki
Monday, September 10, 2018
This page has a lot of info on Quag Keep, including a copy of Norton's original contract with the publisher for the...
This page has a lot of info on Quag Keep, including a copy of Norton's original contract with the publisher for the novel, which is dated Sep 13, 1977 and acknowledges receipt of the typescript. So we know it was completed before that date. So she possibly had Holmes Basic (published July '77) while working on the novel, but not the published Monster Manual (late Dec '77), although she could have had a draft of it. #quagkeep
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Last night I was checking the partially filled-out Gary Con XI schedule, trying to decide when to schedule my games...
Last night I was checking the partially filled-out Gary Con XI schedule, trying to decide when to schedule my games to run, when I did a double take. There is already a Return to the Tower of Zenopus game on the schedule! Now there were three different Zenopus events at NTX last year, so it's not completely surprising, although they all had slightly different titles. It turns out that this one is being run by Mike Mearls, the guy who is basically in charge of 5E D&D design...! #brazenheadofzenopus
Saturday, September 8, 2018
The Living Dead for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
They're coming to get you Barbara!
They're coming to get you Barbara!
Skull-Gated Mountain Fortress of Telemark
Just spotted this skull-gated mountain fortress of the evil wizard Telemark in the strip Finieous Fingers in Dragon #12, Feb 1978. #skullmountain
Here is another example of a D&D Lizardman character from fiction.
Here is another example of a D&D Lizardman character from fiction. This is Gulth from Quag Keep by Andre Norton, from an illustration by David Sutherland on the cover of Dragon #12, Feb 1978. The issue contained an excerpt of the novel, and happens to be the same issue with Holmes' Lovecraftian Gods article. #quagkeep
"And this specimen of his race was formidable to look upon. He was fully as tall as Naile, and in addition to the wicked spear, the sword of bone, double-edged with teeth, which he carried, his natural armament of fang and claw were weapons even a hero might consider twice before facing."
Friday, September 7, 2018
Thursday, September 6, 2018
The Battlegrip blog with a 1979 ad for Warlock's Tower, published by Balboa Game Company (the guy who ran the War...
The Battlegrip blog with a 1979 ad for Warlock's Tower, published by Balboa Game Company (the guy who ran the War House game store in Long Beach). This was part of the Complete Warlock trilogy. $9! #completewarlock
Jeff with a chimeric megadungeon built of TSR maps including the Zenopus dungeon
Jeff with a chimeric megadungeon built of TSR maps including the Zenopus dungeon
Originally shared by Jeff Rients
how to make a megadungeon without really trying
So I've never found a commercially available megadungeon that really spoke to me, that made me say out loud "Yes! I want to spend the next fifty sessions running this bad boy again and again!" There are lots of megadungeons out now with lots of good stuff ...
Originally shared by Jeff Rients
how to make a megadungeon without really trying
So I've never found a commercially available megadungeon that really spoke to me, that made me say out loud "Yes! I want to spend the next fifty sessions running this bad boy again and again!" There are lots of megadungeons out now with lots of good stuff ...
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
I recently mentioned that I'll be running the first part of the Gen Con X tournament at Gary Con this year, a town...
I recently mentioned that I'll be running the first part of the Gen Con X tournament at Gary Con this year, a town adventure in which the PCs need to locate the key to a long-dead wizard's tower. While not strictly Holmes, the tournament used OD&D+Greyhawk and was held the year the Holmes Basic Set was released at Gen Con.
So far, I've requested a 4-hour time slot on Thursday, from 10am-2pm, but I'm not sure where it will end up. I'd also like to run it a second time, probably during an evening time slot. I'll be using the original 4th level pre-gens, and perhaps run the other two rounds in subsequent years, using the same characters. Should be a lot of fun!
So far, I've requested a 4-hour time slot on Thursday, from 10am-2pm, but I'm not sure where it will end up. I'd also like to run it a second time, probably during an evening time slot. I'll be using the original 4th level pre-gens, and perhaps run the other two rounds in subsequent years, using the same characters. Should be a lot of fun!
Wayne just got a copy of the 1975 Warlock. Includes a few pics ofpages. #completewarlock
Wayne just got a copy of the 1975 Warlock. Includes a few pics of pages. #completewarlock
Originally shared by Wayne Rossi
Dungeons & Beavers in my mailbox today.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Xenomorphs for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
I already did the kruthiks, which were essentially xenomorph expys, so why not the real deal? Alien only came out a couple of years after the blue book, I imagine there may have been an alien or two stalking the underworld...
I already did the kruthiks, which were essentially xenomorph expys, so why not the real deal? Alien only came out a couple of years after the blue book, I imagine there may have been an alien or two stalking the underworld...
Monday, September 3, 2018
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Just wanted to give this it's due in this community.
Just wanted to give this it's due in this community. I'm uncertain it's been specifically pointed out here in this group. This is apparently a Holmes 'supplement' for Holmes-style Middle-Earth campaigning. I apologize I do not know the source/author.
I do know it's good stuff. Great starting point at the VERY least. Fun.
I do know it's good stuff. Great starting point at the VERY least. Fun.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Lizardmen PCs for Holmes Basic
I turned my comments from the previous post to a write-up of Lizardmen PCs for Holmes. Of note, Holmes had lizardmen guards in town in two different stories in Tales of Peril.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Encounter Tables - Basic / Holmes Campaigning
Encounter Tables - Basic / Holmes Campaigning
I am reworking my encounter tables for the Warholds of the North. This means looking at all of the flora and fauna, organizations, cults and plots available in the North and organizing these into the appropriate charts. I don't run everything off of these charts but I do reach for them frequently as they help flesh out adventuring content for the players.
STEADING ENCOUNTERS - A steading in the Warholds of the North is a semi fortified farming community too small to really be called a village. More a few farming families and maybe a tradesman who have built their homes close together for protection. Population 3d4 Male Adults, 3d4 Female Adults, 1d6 Seniors, 2d6 Children / Minors of varying ages.
Roll an Encounter only once per day spent at the Steading. Chance of an encounter is a roll of a six on 1d6 but as DM you can decide to throw in an encounter any time you want to spice up the action.
Roll 1d100
01-02 Sleeping Guard
03-04 Door, Gate, Window left open and obviously unsecured and unwatched
05-06 Overly Friendly Dog - Follows a character until driven off, does nothing useful.
07-08 Barking Cowardly Dog - Barks and Barks and Barks, then runs out of kicking range to return to bark, on and on for 1d12 + 4 Minutes. Dog belongs to a farmer or guard or the only tradesman in the Steading.
09-10 Hanging Tree - One Dead Bandit. Has been hanging there for 1d6 days.
11-12 Human Mercenary for hire. Chaos / Evil aligned.
13-14 Cultist of "The Piper".
15-16 Small Stone Shrine of Ohcnabog - Northern God of Metal and Smithing
17-18 Wandering Serene Temple Monk
19-20 Wandering Druid of the Henge - Doom Speaker
21-22 Sworn Warriors of Hraedir 2d4, Riding through on their way to the Kingdom of Morgwen. Will look for opportunities to get into fights.
23-24 Small Accidental Fire. If ignored in 2d4 Combat Rounds will turn into a large accidental fire. If ignored in 2d6 more combat rounds will spread to 1d3 other nearby buildings.
25-26 Serious Weather Develops. A deep fog. A sheet of pouring rain. A howling thunderstorm. Heavy Snow and sleet. Serious weather lingers in the region for 2d12 hours impacting travel.
27-28 Playing Local Children 1d6+1
29-30 Arguing local husband and wife.
31-32 Teenage local. "Running away to become an adventurer, join the warriors in Hraedir, headed to Svordheim to find the Pentagarchy to learn to become a wizard, etc...
33-34 Rumor Subtable
35-36 Growing Herbs - Apple Leaf 2d6 Gatherings
37-38 Growing Herbs - Butcher's Grass 2d6 Gatherings
39-40 Growing Herbs - Beggar's Buttons 2d6 Gatherings
41-42 Growing Herbs - Candle Wick 2d6 Gatherings
43-44 Elven Grain growing wild at the edge of a farmer's garden. 1d6 Gatherings.
45-46 Sworn Warriors of the Kingdom of Morgwen, 2d4. Traveling towards the Kingdom of Hraedir on business. Will keep to themselves unless pressed and then will get suspicious, defensive, even hostile.
47-48 Renegade Trollborn Youth / Escaped Convict
49-50 Scorched One Beggar - Untouchable individual so badly disfigured by dragon fire that they are forced to beg for the rest of their lives.
51-52 1d4 Human Prospectors. Coming for supplies. Very suspicious and protective of their very minor surface mine about a day from the location.
53-54 Lizard Man Mercenary - Neutral Alignment
55-56 Hallow - Human warrior who specializes in hunting and destroying undead, is currently between assignments.
57-58 Gupper Halfling Spies 1d4+1
59-60 Militia performing their rounds, will stop and question adventurers about their business and remind them of the rules of the Steading. 1d4
61-62 Dwarves 1d4 - Wandering members of a regional Free Company looking for opportunities for wealth.
63-64 Cultist of the "Rag Man".
65-66 Centaur Traders 1d3
67-68 Wandering Apostate Monk. Will challenge any other monk to a non lethal martial combat. "Your monkey style is no match for my three legged dog style!"
69-70 Temple of the Voice - Missionary.
71-72 Pentagarchy Scarlet Riders 1d4+1 - Roaming the Kingdom of Ostvick looking for any rumors about arcane spell casters who might be either unsanctioned practitioners of "legal" magic or heretics.
73-74 Ragged Cloak Druid - Scouting for Queen Geirrid.
75-76 Attack on the Steading by Picts (Berserkers) 2d6+2 Berserkers
77-78 Attack on the Steading by angry Neanderthals 3d6+2
79-80 Attack on the Steading by Pig Faced Orcs 4d6 + 1 Orc Shaman
81-82 Small Shrine to Balder - God of Warriors and Leadership
83-84 Gnome Wagon with 2 sway back horses and 1d4+2 wandering Gnome entertainers.
85-86 "Metal Warrior" located near the town well at the center of town, half grown into the side of a tree and almost completely covered in weeds and vines. The warrior is an ancient automated warrior constructed by the Elves many centuries ago. It is without power BUT if an Elf touches this robotic creation its internal mechanism will slowly power up and whir into action. The Metal Warrior will not move or do anything unless ordered by the Elf that activated it using their TAS either purposely or accidentally. The Metal Warrior is badly damaged but will follow the Elf and will attempt to guard it from perceived enemies until it is destroyed.
87-88 Herbs Flame Petals Plant 1d6 Gatherings
89-90 Herbs - Monk's Weed 1d4 Gatherings
91-92 Herbs - Maiden's Skirt 1d6 Gatherings
93-94 2d6+1 Bandits riding into the Steading on light riding horses posing as either a militia patrol from a nearby village or wandering mercenaries. They are at the Steading to peacefully purchase supplies and relax for a few days but they are still bandits. If provoked they are evil and will have no problem jumping the characters or local guards.
95-96 Local Leader on his or her way to perform important duties, followed by 1d6 militia acting as guards.
97-98 High King's Ransomed Men - 2d6+1 mounted on light riding horses. They are from the garrison at the Kingdom's capital and are currently on an errand hunting a group of monsters which have been causing trouble for the area. They do not want the character's help but will chat with them in a friendly fashion unless provoked. If they are attacked or severely insulted they carry the authority of the High King and they can subdue and arrest and hang anyone who insults the authority of the High King or who attacks his sworn warriors.
99 The characters observe that the white graves blanket flowers planted in the local graveyard has a swath of bruised purple leading to an open barrow, new grave or old cairn or sepulcher.
100 A Drake attacks the Steading. It hopes to inflict enough property damage to drive the men out of the area, hoping to pick off any livestock they abandon or cannot defend during its raids. If the Drake cannot grab a cow or other large domesticated animal to fly off with for a meal it will happily grab a human child or any other available target to fly off with to its lair to gobble up. It will return once every 2d12 hours to keep damaging and raiding the Steading until it is abandoned. It will attempt to escape by flying off any time it reaches half hit points. Every hour that it is away and resting it regenerates 5 hit points until it is fully regenerated.
I am reworking my encounter tables for the Warholds of the North. This means looking at all of the flora and fauna, organizations, cults and plots available in the North and organizing these into the appropriate charts. I don't run everything off of these charts but I do reach for them frequently as they help flesh out adventuring content for the players.
STEADING ENCOUNTERS - A steading in the Warholds of the North is a semi fortified farming community too small to really be called a village. More a few farming families and maybe a tradesman who have built their homes close together for protection. Population 3d4 Male Adults, 3d4 Female Adults, 1d6 Seniors, 2d6 Children / Minors of varying ages.
Roll an Encounter only once per day spent at the Steading. Chance of an encounter is a roll of a six on 1d6 but as DM you can decide to throw in an encounter any time you want to spice up the action.
Roll 1d100
01-02 Sleeping Guard
03-04 Door, Gate, Window left open and obviously unsecured and unwatched
05-06 Overly Friendly Dog - Follows a character until driven off, does nothing useful.
07-08 Barking Cowardly Dog - Barks and Barks and Barks, then runs out of kicking range to return to bark, on and on for 1d12 + 4 Minutes. Dog belongs to a farmer or guard or the only tradesman in the Steading.
09-10 Hanging Tree - One Dead Bandit. Has been hanging there for 1d6 days.
11-12 Human Mercenary for hire. Chaos / Evil aligned.
13-14 Cultist of "The Piper".
15-16 Small Stone Shrine of Ohcnabog - Northern God of Metal and Smithing
17-18 Wandering Serene Temple Monk
19-20 Wandering Druid of the Henge - Doom Speaker
21-22 Sworn Warriors of Hraedir 2d4, Riding through on their way to the Kingdom of Morgwen. Will look for opportunities to get into fights.
23-24 Small Accidental Fire. If ignored in 2d4 Combat Rounds will turn into a large accidental fire. If ignored in 2d6 more combat rounds will spread to 1d3 other nearby buildings.
25-26 Serious Weather Develops. A deep fog. A sheet of pouring rain. A howling thunderstorm. Heavy Snow and sleet. Serious weather lingers in the region for 2d12 hours impacting travel.
27-28 Playing Local Children 1d6+1
29-30 Arguing local husband and wife.
31-32 Teenage local. "Running away to become an adventurer, join the warriors in Hraedir, headed to Svordheim to find the Pentagarchy to learn to become a wizard, etc...
33-34 Rumor Subtable
35-36 Growing Herbs - Apple Leaf 2d6 Gatherings
37-38 Growing Herbs - Butcher's Grass 2d6 Gatherings
39-40 Growing Herbs - Beggar's Buttons 2d6 Gatherings
41-42 Growing Herbs - Candle Wick 2d6 Gatherings
43-44 Elven Grain growing wild at the edge of a farmer's garden. 1d6 Gatherings.
45-46 Sworn Warriors of the Kingdom of Morgwen, 2d4. Traveling towards the Kingdom of Hraedir on business. Will keep to themselves unless pressed and then will get suspicious, defensive, even hostile.
47-48 Renegade Trollborn Youth / Escaped Convict
49-50 Scorched One Beggar - Untouchable individual so badly disfigured by dragon fire that they are forced to beg for the rest of their lives.
51-52 1d4 Human Prospectors. Coming for supplies. Very suspicious and protective of their very minor surface mine about a day from the location.
53-54 Lizard Man Mercenary - Neutral Alignment
55-56 Hallow - Human warrior who specializes in hunting and destroying undead, is currently between assignments.
57-58 Gupper Halfling Spies 1d4+1
59-60 Militia performing their rounds, will stop and question adventurers about their business and remind them of the rules of the Steading. 1d4
61-62 Dwarves 1d4 - Wandering members of a regional Free Company looking for opportunities for wealth.
63-64 Cultist of the "Rag Man".
65-66 Centaur Traders 1d3
67-68 Wandering Apostate Monk. Will challenge any other monk to a non lethal martial combat. "Your monkey style is no match for my three legged dog style!"
69-70 Temple of the Voice - Missionary.
71-72 Pentagarchy Scarlet Riders 1d4+1 - Roaming the Kingdom of Ostvick looking for any rumors about arcane spell casters who might be either unsanctioned practitioners of "legal" magic or heretics.
73-74 Ragged Cloak Druid - Scouting for Queen Geirrid.
75-76 Attack on the Steading by Picts (Berserkers) 2d6+2 Berserkers
77-78 Attack on the Steading by angry Neanderthals 3d6+2
79-80 Attack on the Steading by Pig Faced Orcs 4d6 + 1 Orc Shaman
81-82 Small Shrine to Balder - God of Warriors and Leadership
83-84 Gnome Wagon with 2 sway back horses and 1d4+2 wandering Gnome entertainers.
85-86 "Metal Warrior" located near the town well at the center of town, half grown into the side of a tree and almost completely covered in weeds and vines. The warrior is an ancient automated warrior constructed by the Elves many centuries ago. It is without power BUT if an Elf touches this robotic creation its internal mechanism will slowly power up and whir into action. The Metal Warrior will not move or do anything unless ordered by the Elf that activated it using their TAS either purposely or accidentally. The Metal Warrior is badly damaged but will follow the Elf and will attempt to guard it from perceived enemies until it is destroyed.
87-88 Herbs Flame Petals Plant 1d6 Gatherings
89-90 Herbs - Monk's Weed 1d4 Gatherings
91-92 Herbs - Maiden's Skirt 1d6 Gatherings
93-94 2d6+1 Bandits riding into the Steading on light riding horses posing as either a militia patrol from a nearby village or wandering mercenaries. They are at the Steading to peacefully purchase supplies and relax for a few days but they are still bandits. If provoked they are evil and will have no problem jumping the characters or local guards.
95-96 Local Leader on his or her way to perform important duties, followed by 1d6 militia acting as guards.
97-98 High King's Ransomed Men - 2d6+1 mounted on light riding horses. They are from the garrison at the Kingdom's capital and are currently on an errand hunting a group of monsters which have been causing trouble for the area. They do not want the character's help but will chat with them in a friendly fashion unless provoked. If they are attacked or severely insulted they carry the authority of the High King and they can subdue and arrest and hang anyone who insults the authority of the High King or who attacks his sworn warriors.
99 The characters observe that the white graves blanket flowers planted in the local graveyard has a swath of bruised purple leading to an open barrow, new grave or old cairn or sepulcher.
100 A Drake attacks the Steading. It hopes to inflict enough property damage to drive the men out of the area, hoping to pick off any livestock they abandon or cannot defend during its raids. If the Drake cannot grab a cow or other large domesticated animal to fly off with for a meal it will happily grab a human child or any other available target to fly off with to its lair to gobble up. It will return once every 2d12 hours to keep damaging and raiding the Steading until it is abandoned. It will attempt to escape by flying off any time it reaches half hit points. Every hour that it is away and resting it regenerates 5 hit points until it is fully regenerated.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Got my plane ticket for Gary Con today!
Got my plane ticket for Gary Con today! Will arrive Thur afternoon, leave Sunday evening. Already have room reservations for the Grand Geneva. Still need to submit my games.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
We went live this morning. Zero to Hero: Uncommon Commoners is now live at DriveThruRPG!
We went live this morning. Zero to Hero: Uncommon Commoners is now live at DriveThruRPG!
Musing on the similarities between the Ochre Jelly and a jelly creature in the Conan story, The Curse of the Monolith
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
Musing on the similarities between the Ochre Jelly and a jelly creature in the Conan story, The Curse of the Monolith
Musing on the similarities between the Ochre Jelly and a jelly creature in the Conan story, The Curse of the Monolith
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Fascinating thread on Dragonsfoot where we try to pin down the color of the AD&D Beholder.
Fascinating thread on Dragonsfoot where we try to pin down the color of the AD&D Beholder. So far the colors are all over the place, from drab to vivid.
Sources considered:
Greyhawk Supplement (1975)
Monster Manual (1977)
AD&D Coloring Album (1979)
Grenadier "Dwellers Below" miniatures boxed set (1980)
AD&D Paints from Polly S (~1981)
AD&D Rubdown Transfers (1981)
D&D Cartoon episode (1983)
D&D Puffy Stickers (1984)
FR1 Waterdeep and the North (1987)
Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989)
Any others?
Sources considered:
Greyhawk Supplement (1975)
Monster Manual (1977)
AD&D Coloring Album (1979)
Grenadier "Dwellers Below" miniatures boxed set (1980)
AD&D Paints from Polly S (~1981)
AD&D Rubdown Transfers (1981)
D&D Cartoon episode (1983)
D&D Puffy Stickers (1984)
FR1 Waterdeep and the North (1987)
Curse of the Azure Bonds (1989)
Any others?
Monday, August 27, 2018
Work continues on my Northern Warholds campaign wilderness map.
Work continues on my Northern Warholds campaign wilderness map. One square is one mile. I use terrain partly like dungeon levels, so encounters and wandering monsters on a road within five miles of a village might be level one, a road or cultivated area further out might be level one and a half. Wilderness open fields might be two. Light forest level three. Hills and deep forest different tables similar to a dungeon level of four. Bogs and Swamps level five and deep bogland / wilderness level six. You get the general idea.
Kruthiks for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
I know I've been doing a lot of these, but there's a lot of stuff in 4e that would be usable if it wasn't for the system.
I know I've been doing a lot of these, but there's a lot of stuff in 4e that would be usable if it wasn't for the system.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Balhanoth for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
An alien abomination that could assist the Dagonites perhaps...
An alien abomination that could assist the Dagonites perhaps...
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Looking for OSR Lizard Man PC Class/Race examples.
Looking for OSR Lizard Man PC Class/Race examples.
Early Edition compatible (B/X, Holmes, OD&D, AD&D or their Modern Simulacra) preferred!
Skeleton Variants for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Skeletons! I always liked that Holmes's skeletons only had 1-4 hit points, it made it easier to have battles between large numbers of opponents and still have it be a decently fair fight.
Skeletons! I always liked that Holmes's skeletons only had 1-4 hit points, it made it easier to have battles between large numbers of opponents and still have it be a decently fair fight.
Friday, August 24, 2018
Folks attending Garycon next year --- any time preferences for my game, Return to the Tower of Zenopus?
Folks attending Garycon next year --- any time preferences for my game, Return to the Tower of Zenopus? I'll probably run it twice, once Fri, once Sat. Last year I scheduled for morning (9-1), but I actually enjoyed running it in the evening at North Texas, so I was thinking about that too. #brazenheadofzenopus
Drakkoths for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
More 4th edition stuff rescued from the monster manuals and put to good use!
More 4th edition stuff rescued from the monster manuals and put to good use!
I first read this as HYPERBOREAN COFFEE. Been reading a lot of Conan lately...

Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
I first read this as HYPERBOREAN COFFEE. Been reading a lot of Conan lately...
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Oldschoolfrp Tumblr on Warlock's Tower, part of the Complete Warlock trilogy.
Oldschoolfrp Tumblr on Warlock's Tower, part of the Complete Warlock trilogy.
Witherlings for Holmes Basic
Tristan Tanner wrote:
I always thought the witherlings seemed off in 4th edition, not quite fitting in with the high magic setting. They feel more old school D&D to me.
I always thought the witherlings seemed off in 4th edition, not quite fitting in with the high magic setting. They feel more old school D&D to me.
Just finished re-reading "Three Hearts and Three Lions" and something caught my attention at the outset of the...
Just finished re-reading "Three Hearts and Three Lions" and something caught my attention at the outset of the battle with the troll, when it surprises the party:
"Alianora screamed. Even then Holger thought he had never before heard real fear in her voice. "God have mercy," Carahue choked. Hugi crouched and snarled. Holger dropped his sword, stooped to get it, dropped it again as sweat spurted out of him."
I always wondered where Holmes got his rule about a 1 in 6 chance of dropping what you're holding, if surprised...could this have been an influence?
"Alianora screamed. Even then Holger thought he had never before heard real fear in her voice. "God have mercy," Carahue choked. Hugi crouched and snarled. Holger dropped his sword, stooped to get it, dropped it again as sweat spurted out of him."
I always wondered where Holmes got his rule about a 1 in 6 chance of dropping what you're holding, if surprised...could this have been an influence?
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
For the Tolkien fan(atic)s --- like myself ---
For the Tolkien fan(atic)s --- like myself ---
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
The Fall of Gondolin is due out in the US next week (Aug 30), and there is already a "Look Inside" preview up on Amazon that is quite extensive, including the Table of Contents ---
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
I'm in the process of producing a gaming supplement.
I'm in the process of producing a gaming supplement. I have the OGL 1.0a, but rather than copyrighting my own images and introductory text, I was thinking of going creative-commons, attribution only.
I'll probably go the pay-what-you-want route. Is CC-BY route too legalistic? I don't expect to make a penny off of this and highly doubt the art is worth anything either.
I'll probably go the pay-what-you-want route. Is CC-BY route too legalistic? I don't expect to make a penny off of this and highly doubt the art is worth anything either.
Russ Nicholson art gallery by russ nicholson (member here), best known in D&D circles for his Fiend Folio, White...
Russ Nicholson art gallery by russ nicholson (member here), best known in D&D circles for his Fiend Folio, White Dwarf and Fighting Fantasy work.
Originally shared by russ nicholson
Thought I'd 'build' a little portfolio of some of my work done over the years. They are in no particular order and maybe I posted too much... if so apologies to those who look.

Originally shared by russ nicholson
Thought I'd 'build' a little portfolio of some of my work done over the years. They are in no particular order and maybe I posted too much... if so apologies to those who look.

Saturday, August 18, 2018
Just got my first copy of Holmes basic.
Just got my first copy of Holmes basic. Just the book, not the entire box with B1 or B2. It is fun to read the system and compare/contrast to the other early editions.
Save or Die Side Adventure #13
Michael Calleia wrote:
Save or Die podcast talks about using minis in D&D, with a mention of Holmes Basic and Eric Holmes's enthusiasm for miniatures.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Demonically Possessed People
Tristan Tanner wrote:
Demonically possessed people (with Bonus Holmes stats for funsies) (:
Demonically possessed people (with Bonus Holmes stats for funsies) (:
Doing dwarven forge builds of each of the buildings in my campaignstarting village, have write ups for these room...
Doing dwarven forge builds of each of the buildings in my campaign starting village, have write ups for these room by room up on my campaign website. A nice way to do building references to show the players. Also, if a major encounter looks to be in the works at or near a particular location I can just reference my pictures and quickly build it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Got to drop into a Barrowmaze game last night with my friend Matthew at Jetpack Comics in Rochester NH.
Got to drop into a Barrowmaze game last night with my friend Matthew at Jetpack Comics in Rochester NH. My first time exploring the Barrowmaze. I played Zell the Barbarian, follower of Crom. He did well against a rock creature but then fled the dungeon after smashing a door open and waking a coffer corpse. The other PCs defeated the creature and got haul - a jeweled crown and armbands. If anyone is in the area, they are looking for more players.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
A bit of a fun thought experiment.
A bit of a fun thought experiment.
It's 1978. You find a Holmes basic set that has one additional RPG book in it, and that's what you have to develop a campaign from. It can be any book from 1978 or earlier - but only one. What would you pick, and how would you use it?
It's 1978. You find a Holmes basic set that has one additional RPG book in it, and that's what you have to develop a campaign from. It can be any book from 1978 or earlier - but only one. What would you pick, and how would you use it?
Monday, August 13, 2018
Billy Galaxy ebay listing (with article by J Eric Holmes)
Billy Galaxy ebay listing (with article by J Eric Holmes)
Today's used bookstore find.
Today's used bookstore find. I've never read these. These are Ballantine Books paperbacks first printed in '63, 13th-16th US printings from '80-'81, which means they were continuously in print for at least 17 years, including the formative years of D&D. #AppendixN
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