Friday, November 2, 2018

Got my copy of Arts and Arcana on Halloween

Chris Holmes wrote:

Got my copy of Arts and Arcana on Halloween. Just the treat I wanted. Really nice sections on Sutherland and Otis. Blue book gets a nice page. Lots of interesting info and art. Allan G and Billy Galaxy get acknowledged
Zach probably should have got acknowledged for bringing the original text to light.
I am still reading it and finding more treasures.
Thanks for another great book Jon.


  1. I was quite surprised to read the thank you in the ToH booklet---was just expecting the credit in the back of the book ;)

  2. We did kind of draw a line when it came to thanking researchers, apart from a high level thanks to the Acaeum, which stands in for a lot of research out there. Zach and many others made discoveries that we are just blithely repeating in there. For a book at this survey level, getting into that detail of credit though did not seem like the right fit. Allan played a pretty pivotal role in putting the ToH booklet together, so he gets a special notice. Not to say that we aren't grateful to Zach for his work!

  3. Chris Holmes Thanks for the support. I'm happy your work finally got published. Let's get more out there!
