Saturday, September 22, 2018

Bigfoot for Holmes Basic

Tristan Tanner wrote:

Unlike most of the other cryptids so far, this one is the most modified from its original source material. While I have read an article and seen theories from bigfoot enthusiasts claiming the being may be extradimensional, the connection to the Dimensional Shambler is wholly my own, and may not fit for the typical game. In such a case where a more mundane bigfoot is desired, simply use the combat statistics of a bugbear, but with 2 claws and a bite attack, dealing 1-4 damage and 1-6 damage respectively.


  1. A teleporting / phasing ‘squatch is totally legit, as far as “the lore” goes.

  2. The PCs should leave that big ol' boy be. He ain't bother nobody out in dem woods... 😉

  3. It's ok, Bigfoot doesn't believe in you either.

  4. Being born in '74 and interested/fascinated by this kind of junk in my childhood, this pic and footage creeped me out for some reason. So much so that decades later, when myself and a handful of friends around about my same age saw "Signs" in the theater, the scene wherein the alien reveals itself from behind the bushes at the b-day party got me right in the childhood fears part of my mind and I, jaded horror-film-fan-that-no-jump-scares-work-on-me-ever, gasped and my heart sunk and shifted away. Outside, later, discussing it, at least three of us compared the scene to how we felt as kids when we had seen the (in)famous "Bigfoot" footage.

  5. I always thought he was kind of cute. Big feet seem to be shy vegetarians but that could be a front.
