Monday, August 13, 2018

Today's used bookstore find.

Today's used bookstore find. I've never read these. These are Ballantine Books paperbacks first printed in '63, 13th-16th US printings from '80-'81, which means they were continuously in print for at least 17 years, including the formative years of D&D. #AppendixN


  1. Those are pretty close to the versions I grew up with, although ours were little hardbacks with that logo and art.

  2. That’s Neil Adams, iirc. I had those three and three more in one of those box sets when I was around 12.

  3. A bookstore near me has almost all of the ERB Tarzan’s, even some originals. They have a fantastic collection, even some early editions of Moorcock

  4. I read a few of those many moons ago, same versions. Fun little reads

  5. My first 3 Tarzan books were the Ballantine black-spines circa 1980.

    Nice score dude, was there only 3?

  6. I read the first two Tarzan novels for free via Project Gutenberg @ - Books: tarzan (sorted by popularity) and only read them in the past year or so!

  7. “Tarzan at the Earth’s Core” #13, is both the best Tarzan and the best Pellucidar novel, not to mention the bearer of the greatest title of all time.

  8. Rich McKee Yes Books in Portland Maine

  9. Cool I lived in OOB ME in the late 90s. Fun beach party town. Worked in S Portland. Don't recall that bookstore

  10. Robert Fairbanks They had one other #5 but I thought that I maybe had it already

  11. Scott Mob I was there once before 8 years ago. It is very close to the Portland Art Museum. It's the usual small cramped shelves-overflowing used bookstore. Scifi/Fantasy section was nothing special, more hardbacks of more recent vintage than the old paperbacks I love.

  12. Michael Gibbons I read much of Pellucidar in high school, so I may have read that one though can't quite recall. If only he had also done a Tarzan on Barsoom...!

  13. Michael Gibbons I agree, although I've not read Tarzan and the Lost City of Opar, which was Dad's favorite.

  14. Such a great series. I have my Dad's copies and have read them all about 5 times since I was 12.

  15. Not too shabby! A while back I scored several Pellucidar novels, as well as Venus and Moon noveles, at a Port Richmond Books here in Philly.
