Thursday, October 12, 2017

This struck me as having potential as a weird retro Holmes adventurebasis.

This struck me as having potential as a weird retro Holmes adventure basis. Dig the owls as well. Hmm, wonder what's going on?

Originally shared by Jason Brezinski

This looks like an interesting D&D encounter. Especially all the judging owls in the background.
Gustave Doré
The Gnarled Monster


  1. judgement owls
    follow you and criticise your actions and everything about you

  2. Oh, yeah. That's my kinda song right there.

  3. I dunno if those're s'posed to be owls

  4. Scott wins the scholar point. I always loved this image but never tracked it down. Dore also drew a great mantacore for Danes Inferno.

  5. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!

  6. Love Dore, hadn't seen this one before, so thank you Scott Mob​. I think I first became aware of his name via an issue of Dragon mag in the mid 80s.

  7. Zach H same. It was the issue with the wizard's college for me. I've used a ton of his stuff in my (will it ever be published?) homebrew.

  8. I don't think those are owls.... Pokemon, maybe?
