Monday, October 30, 2017

Half-Orc PCs - two versions

Herman Klang wrote:

After the discussion last week. I came up with two possible versions of the half orc for my campaign. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Chris Holmes gave me the idea to go for a wimpy Cleric version and a non wimpy version. I stole some stuff from the Zenopus Archives. That's just a little bit of the input I used.


  1. I have a hard time choosing between the two options you present here. Surprisingly - I like 'em both!

  2. Hey - glad I could help. Cool stuff.

  3. Neat. I know that "Potion of Fixed Notion" would only be applied by my players by holding the target down and opening their mouth, forcing it down their gullet. That's just how they roll.

    Well, some of them do. The others would be outside the door, praying for the ones inside. Chaotic fighters/mu/thieves and Lawful clerics are an interesting combo.

  4. Evan Edwards They would have to bring a couple of potions to get away with something like that.Which brings something up; the potion of fixed notion need to be exempted from miscibility rules or the victim will never be able to drink a potion again since the effect is permanent.

  5. I thought the miscibility rules only applied when you drank two or more potions at the same time, or their (temporary) durations overlapped. I'd think that permanent effects wouldn't count, much like a potion of healing has a permanent effect, but the duration of the potion is instantaneous.

  6. Robert Weber So it depends on how you think of the duration.

    I think that thinking of it as instantaneous is a good work around.

    But imagine what would happen if you cast dispel magic.

    If the potion did something like make you grow wings, you could argue that a dispel magic would do nothing because the wings aren't magic the magic was that you grew them now that the magic is complete you have normal wings that grew magically.

    With the fixed notion potion, if you cast dispel magic I would argue that the effect/compulsion would cease. This means that (in my mind ) the effect is permanent and conceivably could interfere with other potions indefinitely, if someone were to zealously apply the rules.

    I know this is some hairsplitting but i have been drinking some homebrew and am feeling verbose.

  7. Ah, but is the notion magic, or did the magic just plant the compulsion? :)

    Personally, I'm quite content to have it as, "unknown until tried, with a ruling by the GM when tried."

  8. Its worth thinking about, however, I wouldn't use miscibility if someone drank a potion of water breathing, then a few rounds later had to come up to the surface to drink a potion of healing to stop bleeding in the water to minimize shark attractant.

    "Oh, don't worry about the sharks now. You mixed two potions and you've exploded all over the surface of the ocean! Sharks will have a hey-day cleaning this mess up!" ;)

  9. Robert Weber That's where you and I are different. I would think about doing something like that. I am a petty guy and that is how I get my kicks.

  10. Honestly, I love both: it's what makes sitting at new tables such fun. Each GM has their own style. A few even have multiple styles they can flip back and forth between for different games.
