Saturday, October 28, 2017

How Gary handled "supernormals" (> level 1 or 1 HD) versus "normals" (~level 1 or 1 HD):

How Gary handled "supernormals" (> level 1 or 1 HD) versus "normals" (~level 1 or 1 HD):

"A 4th level fighter versus orcs... he rolled a d4 to see how many orcs got killed.
A 6th level fighter versus orcs... he rolled a d6 to see how many orcs got killed.

Et cetera.

And a monster versus ordinary men... he used the monster's hit dice for levels, rolled a die of that number, and that's how many ordinary men got killed."

No attack roll, just a roll for number killed each round.


  1. Reminds me of the clever rules in the OSR game Godbound about fighting opponents of lesser level than you. The damage you roll is dealt directly to their number of hit dice rather than hit points, and you also get a fray die.

  2. Matthew Skail Well, it would apply for a 4th level fighter versus a group of orcs. The OD&D Monster & Treasure Assortment Level 4 has groups of 4-40 Centipedes, 5-50 Giant Rats, 10-60 Goblins and 10-40 Orcs. This would speed up combat greatly with such groups.

  3. David Crowell If you look at the thread I linked, Gronan references that rule. Gary started with that but then switched to just rolling number killed per round to speed things up.
