Sunday, January 21, 2018

Interesting discussion about Skyrealms of Jorune.

Interesting discussion about Skyrealms of Jorune. Like many others, I remember the stunning art in the ads in Dragon, but have never seen the rulebooks.

Originally shared by James V West

Here's a game I know literally nothing about. Well... I mean, I know it exists and has truly fantastic cover art that lures me in. And it used to be advertised in Dragon Magazine.

But I don't know what Skyrealms of Jorune is about. What kind of system is under the hood? What is the setting like? Is this game as juicy as it's various covers tease?

Like Talislanta, I feel like this is one of those 80s games that sought to bill itself as being different from D&D but still pure fantasy, as in the famous "no elves" ads. Also like Talislanta, this is a game I plan to pick up in print at some point to add to my collection.

But is it a good game? What does the world have to say about Jorune?


  1. I also have it but have never tried to run it RAW. Instead I use it as an unusually civilized realm ripe for invasion by Emperor Ming in my Flash Gordon games.

  2. I have a supplement, but not the main rules. Its got the entire ecology of a planet covered; flora, fauna, and societies, plus adventure hooks. Much of the art covers the flora & fauna very well. Wish I could find it to say what the name of it is though...

  3. There's been a lot of development since the 1st ed - a fan community making stuff for a long time.
    I have the Ardoth city supplement too, if anyone wants to look at it. Not as stellar as I was hoping.

  4. Chris Tamm I suspect it’s one of the less developed realms of Tekumel.

  5. Well, you can learn a lot more about it here, since at least one edition with tons of material has been internet archived.. for free. - Skyrealms of Jorune RPG

  6. Wow looks like they decided Empire of the Petal Thrown was too simple.
