Monday, January 8, 2018

Here is a player made map from my Portown campaign.

Herman Klang wrote:

Here is a player made map from my Portown campaign. I think it could make a good play aid for running the basic dungeon.

Originally shared by Paul Haupt III

Just wanted to share a map I created from a morning session with the Fish Cult Today Flailsnails campaign in good Ole' Portown. I always believe a good dungeon session deserves a good map! Herman Klang


  1. Very nice, especially like your compass.

  2. Zach H When is the last time you ran it?

  3. Wow! Would your player be willing to allow me to use this when I run my 'Zenopus - 40 years later' session at NTRPGCon 2018? I'd be willing to pay for rights to use it in the printed module!

  4. Steven Muchow I'm sure this can happen.

  5. Herman Klang​ Two summers ago I started a campaign, still going, for my son and two cousins. Their first adventure was this dungeon. They restored Zenopus, who was the rotating statue, and now he sends them on adventures

  6. Steven Muchow Thanks! I would definitely be cool with you using this for your session. Let's talk.
