Monday, December 12, 2016

Shoot straight with me, please.

Shoot straight with me, please.

There are five contributors beyond myself for the "Holmes Art" zine. I am very happy with what I've received so far, and I think you'll find that it's good, fun stuff — but I find I'm at a bit of a crossroads...

If more folks want to pitch in, I'm all for that.

But if there are no more pitches coming in, then I need to know that so I can re-group and plan for the completion of this project accordingly.

This zine will be coming out, one way or the other, even I have to finish it up all on my own — it'll just take a bit longer than way.


If anyone that wants to contribute text or art hasn't contacted me yet, post a reply so we can discuss going forward (i.e., I can post "assignments" if that's any help, etc.).

If you're interested in the free zine pdf, but aren't contributing, post a reply! Knowing there's an audience for this is helpful.

If you have any questions at all about the project — yes, you guessed it — post a reply here.

If you have nothing to say about any of this, post a re- - oh, wait, no — you don't have to post anything...


  1. I'd love to read it. I just don"t think I have anything to contribute to the project right this second.

  2. I haven't paid close attention but definitely interested.

  3. I'm interested in the zine. Not sure if I have anything to contribute right this second. Are you looking for anything in particular as far as writing goes?

  4. Definitely interested, but too stupid to write or draw anything.

  5. Wish I had time to contribute, but I'm swamped with work and holiday BS.. not sure what the original target date was, but Q4 is usually not an auspicious time to launch new projects - maybe make this more of a Q1 thing, and response might be higher?

  6. Thank you, all, for the replies. It's all helpful.

    Andy, I did think about the time of year when I launched it -- but then again, some entries are like 30 words. I think the shortest one so far was 27 words, IIRC. There is no big commitment on anyone's part.

    Shane, would a 'shopping list' of items that are not yet covered be any help? That's my nominal next step, but I was curious if there was anyone even interested in that -- hence this post.

    Again, thanks guys.

  7. Is there a previous mag I can read? I will google. I can probably make up a table.

  8. Seconding what Andy C said. I've also been swamped with both work and family and other stuff right now at the end of the year. It doesn't help that the last Holmes gaming article I wrote still hasn't been published some 2 1/2 years after I submitted it.

    But, I may have half a day to think between two different deadlines. I'll give another look over your needs. I may already have something that will fit perfectly.

  9. Tony, there's at least one other entry that existed before the project was created, so that's fine, if it can tie into the art featured in the Holmes rulebook.

    Shane, there is no previous mag... It's an all-new idea (as all-new as ideas get, anyway).

    I'm looking not just for Holmes content, but stuff 'inspired' by the art in the book. One example: I was just thinking about the minotaur on page 18 and thinking maybe I could do a little magic item based on his axe... Probably how it'd work for humans or others to wield it, as compared to a minotaur itself.

  10. Jon Wilson Here's a random table of Orc Deformity's/Personality Conflicts (d12)

    1 Missing An Eye
    2 Has a short tail
    3 Has an actual pignose! It's even pink.
    4 Was married once, and holds a secret grudge, (she left him for a much uglier orc)
    5 Feels like an outsider, is a better gardener than a warrior
    6 Really bad acne
    7 Purple hair!
    8 Son in law of a warlord, will do anything to make the "old man" happy
    9 Prefers dwarven mead to Orcish Ale
    10 A very skilled dancer
    11 Crossbreed between an Orc and a horse (Orctaur)
    12 Very small wings, that won't quite lift him off the ground

  11. Hit me up (e-mail) with some preferences if you (are desperate) want to Jon.


    Plus I can probably see about drumming-up another contributor or three.

  12. Assignments would help, I think. You could even do it here - post the picture and people can write directly into the comments.

  13. Jon, this is the state of the art for such a project... my suggestion is you create a group just for this purpose.

    Gongfarmer's Almanac

  14. Shane, that orc chart fits nicely in with the art on page 1, especially since there is already orc material for it to go with. Thanks.

    The name has been FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! -- which are Holmes' own words to describe the game in the first sentence of his introduction.

    "Assignment" posts are/were the next step -- just needed to check-in and see if they'd be welcome.

    I considered that, Jonathan, but I'm not sure the scope of this thing warrants that... GFA is multiple volumes per year, with an editorial team and dozens of contributors. I'd be thrilled with 10 or 12 contributors here. We'll see how it grows...

  15. Okay, folks, let me comb through things again and see what needs attention, and I'll get some posts up. I have three things to work on today, and (sadly) this project is third in line...

  16. Jon Wilson go ahead and use the table :)

  17. Jonathan Perkel is that the link to the community for this specific mag? or something else?

  18. Shane Ward, Mr. Perkel's link is to the community-sourced fanzine for the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, a free zine of gigantic proportions.

  19. Yeah, Im wanting a linky as well to this project so i can keep both eyes on this! Where can I find more info on it?

  20. Glenn, it's comprised of multiple posts in this group over the last month, conceived of as a community project.

  21. Gosh, I wouldn't mind contributing some text. Is there a list of "uncovered" subjects (or waiting assignments) somewhere?

  22. Jonathan Becker, the reply before yours and this link below are what we're looking at currently...

  23. But really anything and everything is open for everyone's creativity. Work from the illustration (or thing in the illustration) that inspires you!

  24. Just remembered I have an unfinished blog post describing Anvil the Dwarf, who appeared in Holmes' FRPG book. I was going to use one of DCS dwarves from page 25 to illustrate this, so I think it would work for this!

  25. Pointer to summary of project please, Jon Wilson? I missed it the first time you posted it.

  26. What's the email address and what format do you want?

  27. The address is wilson 4 6 8 12 20 at g mail
    The format is whatever is convenient for you... in the body of the email, an attached file -- posting here even works (it's gonna be a free pdf, so there's no particular reason to hide anything).
