Monday, December 26, 2016

2011 interview with Will McLean, noted for his comic art in the Dragon and the the DMG ("Papers & Paychecks", for...

2011 interview with Will McLean, noted for his comic art in the Dragon and the the DMG ("Papers & Paychecks", for example). He passed away in Oct 2015.

Originally shared by Olde House Rules

An unsung hero of old-school art: Will McLean...


  1. That interview was great - I had no idea Will McLean lived west of Philadelphia! Wonder if he's still in the area?

  2. Unfortunately he passed away from cancer in 2015

  3. I was lucky enough to slightly know him online via an SCA-related mailing list. He was a very creative, very funny guy.  RIP

  4. I wanted to reach out to Will for a number of years for some cartoons for a dungeon book project, but the project kept getting moved to the back burner, and it's too late now, alas.

    Here's his obit, for the curious (included in the reddit link above): - William L. Will McLean IV's Obituary on Daily Local News

  5. Man, that sucks : /  So many of the old guard falling before the sickle these last ten years..

  6. On a side note, reading his obit.. good Lord, he was the son of the guy that owned the Philadelphia Bulletin back in the day? Crazy some of the weird connections you run into with people.

  7. Agreed completely, Andy!---I remember reading the Bulletin regularly, along with the Inquirer and the Courier Post.

