Saturday, December 31, 2016

I wrote this partially in an attempt to "Holmes-ify" the classes in LotFP. Not sure how well I succeeded.

I wrote this partially in an attempt to "Holmes-ify" the classes in LotFP. Not sure how well I succeeded.
Does this idea appeal to anyone else besides me? Additionally, do you think these house rules could actually meet the intended goals? Anyone want to talk class design?


  1. Dallas M That's definitely encouraging, at least. Thanks.

  2. Dallas M That's a fantastic point about tone. To a large extent, though, it doesn't bother me if the players take the tone of the game in a different direction than I originally intend it to go - I just see that as part of the collaboration between everyone at the table to create an imaginary experience. Besides, I think most D&D campaigns probably turn into Monty Python. :D But yeah, there is the question of how much of my intent will ever even have a hope of coming across in the first place.
