Monday, February 6, 2017

It's official: I'm going to Gary Con for the first time this year, from Fri-Sun.

It's official: I'm going to Gary Con for the first time this year, from Fri-Sun. Forty years ago in 1977 Gen Con was held in the same hotel. Still choosing events, but so far I'm in several games run by their creators: Dungeon with David Megarry, Dragon Lairds with Tom Wham, a Braunstein variant with David Wesely, plus a Gen Con 50 celebration at Horticultural Hall, where the first Gen Con was held.


  1. I hope to see you there. Stop by the GangBusters tables if you get a chance.

  2. Great to hear Zach H! I'll see you there!

  3. Looking forward to meeting you in person!

  4. I have been thinking about going to GaryCon instead of (maybe in addition to) GenCon next year. There are less and less people I know at GenCon every year.

  5. Eric Hoffman Great! I think you've been at every con/game day I've been to in the last two years. : )

  6. Rich McKee I'll let you know what I think, though I've never been to GenCon & this will be the largest con I've been to yet!

  7. Awesome. You'll have a blast. It's grown considerably in the past few years. Let me know if you think it has a "small con feel".

  8. Great! I'm in the Thursday Braunstein. Hope to meet you in person!

  9. Handy Haversack Will you be wearing a "Handy Haversack" name badge? I signed up for the Sunday Braunstein ("Banania") since I won't be there on Thursday.

  10. I've added a few more events: Friday, a spy RPG with Merle Rasmussen (creator of Top Secret), plus an RPG game with Harold Johnson (author of Tamoachan). Saturday morning, a CHAINMAIL game.

  11. I think my badge will say Handy Haversack. It did last year. But the inner workings of the temple are a mystery only the initiates dare penetrate.

  12. Zach H Mr. Johnson is a really good DM. His style is less combat oriented and more story focused. Not what everyone is looking for but I enjoyed his game back at GC7, i think it was.

  13. Charley Phipps Thanks for the info/recommendation. I like a variety of game styles so hopefully I will enjoy it.
