Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Got our contributor copy of Jon Wilson's Fantastic, Exciting, Imaginative zine.

Got our contributor copy of Jon Wilson's Fantastic, Exciting, Imaginative zine. Many thanks, friend! Lots of good stuff here that took me back to 1978 and the hobby shops of my youth. Elmer approves...


  1. Tell us more! What's in it? What's it's scope of content? What rules systems (if any---is it all artwork?) does it use? :D


  2. Allan Grohe It's all content for Holmes Basic based on artwork from the original rules. Jon challenged the community to come up with original stuff; monsters, magic items, etc., based on iconic images from the blue book, and boy, did people answer! So there's new content, and even expanded lore, complete with awesome original art that utterly NAILS the Holmes aesthetic for that "vintage" feel...

  3. And how I order a copy?  If they're going to be ready/available by mid-March, Black Blade could potentially carry them at GaryCon if Jon's interested?

  4. Allan Grohe I think he's gonna make them available online as well. Jon Wilson can let us know for sure...

  5. I'd have to discuss that with my contributors, since they contributed under the condition that the zine would always be available for free.

    I will ask that, since I was already going to ask them their opinion of a "charity auction" dispersal method for the few remaining print copies I have...

  6. Jon Wilson Robyn and I are always happy to support charity...

  7. That sounds good to me.  If you're interested, we could sell the copies at GaryCon, and then xfer the funds to you after the show to go to the charity of your choice. We regularly sell third-party products at conventions for other publishers/authors like Goodman Games, Rob Kuntz, Jason Sholtis, Guy Fullerton, Paolo Greco, etc., and provide a detailed sales report.  We normally charge commission for sales at conventions, but can waive that since this is for charity :D


  8. Jon: is there a PDF available for the general public yet? And also i would be happy to make a charity donation for a hard copy one also.

  9. The pdf is awaiting approval from OBS (RPGNow, etc.) Hopefully within a day or so it should be live for downloading for FREE.

    As for anything beyond that, I'm going to confer with the other contributors and devise a plan... a cunning plan... ~rolls hands together~

  10. Sounds good.  Please keep me and Jon Hershberger posted, Jon Wilson on what you decide! .....allan

  11. thanks..and the same if you do a charity type purchase for hard copies.

  12. I don't know if it matters, Jon Wilson, but we also have give-away items such as the Gongfarmer's Almanacs for DCC RPG that we hand out via our GaryCon and North Texas RPG Con booths. If your contributors are concerned about contributing to a free publication vs. someone accepting payments for their work, we could also make them available thru our booth as a free giveaway publication (assuming you could get copies to us within the next three weeks).

  13. Mike Hill: Some spells, some monsters, some magical items like wands and weapons. A nifty little potion for dwarves and halflings. Some lore about wizards, and some about manticores. Six orc tribes. And more... More than 50 "items" to inject into your game.

  14. I think this will get you to the preview file, to tide you over until the full version is available...

  15. ..and Exciting. And Imaginative.

    Sorry, it had to be said.

  16. It does look fantastic, exciting, and imaginative but that cover alone makes me want a copy.

  17. Still waiting for OBS to give it the all-clear...
