Friday, February 24, 2017

I'm putting out contributor copies of Fantastic!

I'm putting out contributor copies of Fantastic! Exciting! Imaginative! before the release of the pdf to the general public...

But I don't have contact info for

Shane Ward
Denis McCarthy

So if either of you as named contributors would like a print copy of the zine, shoot me an email at wilson 4 6 8 12 20 at gmails

I will have a limited number of print copies on hand after the contributor copies are all out in the mail, and in the interest of public disclosure on a perpetually-free product, I wanted to say that the concept for these is to have them handy to donate to fundraisers and good causes and that sort of thing, as I've seen such come up from time to time, and figured why not be able to pitch something in...

Once these are winging their way contributor-ward, the next announcement will be where you can download your very own copy of the zine!


  1. Jon Wilson​ hey Jon, a pdf would be cool. I will email you.

  2. Got the last of the contributor copies on it's way just a little bit ago...

  3. Jon when this becomes available to the general public let me know, I'd like to post about the awesome.

  4. The pdf (or should I say "pdfs" plural...) are loaded up to RPGNow and awaiting approval.

    As soon as I know they are approved there will be a post here in this group.
