Thursday, May 31, 2018

I'm going to playtest the Return to the Tower of Zenopus with the Local Group tomorrow night.

I'm going to playtest the Return to the Tower of Zenopus with the Local Group tomorrow night. In anticipation of running it next Sat at NTX. For those who missed it at Gary Con, it should be much improved by the time I run it there next year. I had several good ideas for additions/tweaks in the time since then. Currently about six pages of text, I will eventually make it available publicly. #brazenheadofzenopus


  1. Wow your so concientious. I was just going to wing it.

  2. Very cool! Look forward to seeing it when you release it to (unleash it upon?) the world : )

  3. Can't wait to play in it, have already booked my hotel room for GaryCon next year!

  4. Zach H Next year, I propose that you play in my Zenopus adventure and I in yours.

  5. Chris Holmes I'm not a consistent on-the-spot improviser. Sometimes. So it helps me to have a good framework in place.

  6. Jason Hobbs I'm already overbooked for the game by at least 3 seats. Of course, some may not show if you want to check on Sat, but I can't guarantee.

  7. Zach H, Steven Muchow - if you guys come to GaryCon next year I'd love to run a Zenopus-themed pickup game for y'all. Demos Sachlas played in one at GC this past March with some walkups and we had a blast.

  8. Playtest completed! It was fun, and useful both in terms of forcing me to think through/look at everything again beforehand, and to see how the actual dungeon played out.

  9. I just started mapping, good thing I like improv. I love seeing the different styles of running.
