Monday, May 28, 2018

As a follow-up to yesterday's post, here's the sample dungeon from thatsame Japanese rulebook (again courtesy...

As a follow-up to yesterday's post, here's the sample dungeon from that same Japanese rulebook (again courtesy Grubbiv on the Acaeum). The cartography looks fairly TSR-esque - with a few Japanese characters added - does anybody recognize it as recycled from a late-80s TSR product?

An outline of the key per Grubbiv:

入口 entrance
1. ホール hall
2. 拷問室 torture room
3. ガーズルーム guardroom
4. ゴブリンの部屋 goblin room
5. 放棄された部屋 abandoned room
6. 道をふさぐもの obstructing the way
6'. ピット pit
7. 書庫 library
8. 倉庫 store room
9. ドッペルガンガーの部屋 doppelgänger room
9'. 塞がれた回廊 blocked-off corridor
10'. 儀式の問 ceremonial question


  1. The stylized compass "N" looks particularly like something I've seen before in a TSR map of the time period.

  2. Looks like that is an apostrophe to represent that the pit is detailed with room #6, like the corridor in the northwest would be detailed with room #9.

  3. Read the room key... That is probably supposed to be 6 with a super script 1. That would have been 6a if it was a western product.
