Friday, August 25, 2017

Jason Zavoda on his blog shares a scan of an early TLG ad for Castle Zagyg that uses a painting by on my favorite...

Jason Zavoda on his blog shares a scan of an early TLG ad for Castle Zagyg that uses a painting by on my favorite 19th century American painters, Thomas Cole: Expulsion. Moon and Firelight (1828). The ad touts an early presentation for Castle Zagyg where Yggsburgh is CZI, the Castle Ruins are CZII and the Dungeons are CZIII. Yggsburgh was published early on as CZI, and later the Upper Works (including the castle ruins and the first dungeon level) as CZII, but the rest of the dungeon remains unpublished. Read more about Cole's painting here: (h/t to Allan Grohe)

1 comment:

  1. Guy Fullerton tracked this down to the inside back cover of TLGs Crusader mag #5
