Monday, August 14, 2017

I thought I'd show off James V West's sterling work here, I hope you don't mind.

I thought I'd show off James V West's sterling work here, I hope you don't mind. Thanks to people like him, Dyson Logos (when are you finishing that Monster Manual?) and a certain Zach H, I'm really getting into this OSR take on illuminated pages. Expect to see more of this sort of thing in the upcoming Referee Repository, Explorer Encounters, and Blueholme Brochure. :-)


  1. I really like what you're putting together for Blueholme, Michael.

  2. So do I! Which is, after all, why stuff like this happens. :-)

  3. I am going to make these available to my players. I like the scrolls section. It really highlights what I think is the special role that scrolls play in Holmes dnd.

  4. Yep, any Holmes magic-user should have plenty of scrolls to hand! Mine tend to use scrolls first and save their memorised spells for when they really need them.

  5. Late to the party as usual, but I love these, even though my first glance at the saves, I thought it said "Gazebo", not "Gaze". lol
