Monday, June 12, 2017

Holmes Art Prompt #6

Jon Wilson wrote:

Promptly posting the next prompt? Maybe... but here it is nonetheless...

FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! Volume Two is well underway, but needs MUCH more input from you — especially if you missed contributing to Volume One.

The High Lowdown (has most of your questions answered):


  1. I had planned on making something up for that very illustration on the top, but I've gotten far behind in Real Life! :P

  2. Well, there's no particular cut-off for any of the prompts... I expect somewhere around the end of the month, I'll have posted them all, and be able to really assess where things are in terms of how full the zine is... then there may be a call for further entries around certain images.

    But for now, sub whatever you gots, whenever you gots it... ; )
