Thursday, June 15, 2017

I'll be honest: I'm hoping to hear from you.

Jon Wilson wrote:

I'll be honest: I'm hoping to hear from you.

There are six confirmed contributors so far for FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! Volume Two.

I'd love to double or triple that. We could even fourple that, regardless as to if that's a word or not. I haven't worked up any entries myself yet, but I'd be very happy to be unable to fit anything in there, because it's so full of contributions from members of this community there's no room for me to pitch into my own zine!

But truly, I think of it as this community's zine... So having your voices in it seems like the best possible way to go...

Join on in!


  1. • What's the new spell that cleric is about to cast at the worm?

    • Is that shield any defense at all against the worm? Why?

    • What secret are the harpies defending?

    • What's special/interesting in that fighting-man's backpack?

    • Is that not the purple worm we know, but one with different stats and powers?

    • Could those be were-harpies?? How is that different from regular harpies?

    • What magic might the fighting-men be about to bring to bear against the harpies?

    • What's the new spell the magic-user is casting at the worm?


  2. I've got a good chunk of stuff coming. An NPC, their fortess, and a couple magic items...look for it by next Wednesday...

  3. That spell sure looks like "waft of rotting elf" to me. Useful for distracting purple worms while you take the only sensible option: run like crazy.

  4. Extending the shield might nake you too wide to be swallowed whole...
