Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tell Me About Your Character podcast

Chris Holmes wrote:

Inspired by Larry Hamilton, I got myself on Tell Me About Your Character. I shamelessly plug Tales of Peril. It was quick and fun. More of you old guys should be on this show.


  1. Tell me more of this "Tales of Peril", of which you speak Christopher. Got a link or FB/ Homepage?

  2. WOW! Thanks for the shout out! I haven't had a chance to listen to that episode yet.

  3. Allan Grohe​ any update on ordering via Black Blade?

  4. Robert, you can check out Blackblade's website or listen to the John Eric Holmes panel on Save or Die. Tales of Peril is all of Dad's D&d related fiction, plus more.

  5. Huh, never heard of this podcast. I'll have to check it out.

  6. The Black Blade site remains hosed at the moment, and will unfortunately likely remain so for the near-term. But, you can also listen to Chris Holmes read from Maze of Peril at 2016's North Texas RPG Con on my web site @ - John Eric Holmes Reading and Panel Discussion at North Texas RPGCon #8, Saturday, 4 June 2016

    Jon Hershberger and I need to finish the Tales of Peril postal shipping options research, but we're pretty close, and should have an update soon. (The USPS Priority Mail flat rate options look best thus far, but we're sorting through a few different ways to ship Priority and trying to determine which will best-protect the books). When done, I'll post the details here in G+, FB, in forums, and on my blog.


  7. Thank you Chris Holmes Allan Grohe for your generous contribution to the Holmes Legacy. My copy of 'Tales of Peril' arrived, well-packed and in beautiful condition. I relish every word I'm reading and geeking out as I remember reading some of these stories in Dragon Magazine. I can't say enough good things about this book. Thanks once again. I think Zereth may make an appearance in my 41st Anniversary Zenopus adventure at NTRPGCon 2018.

  8. You're quite welcome, Steven Muchow! :D

  9. Steve, I will tell Zereth to polish his chain mail and comb his hair.
