Tuesday, June 13, 2017

F.E.I. Volume Two is proceeding apace.

F.E.I. Volume Two is proceeding apace.

[Stops to look-up 'apace'.]

I'm not throwing out any entries I get. They'll either be in V2, or perhaps wind up in the theoretical-at-the-moment V3.

That said, page 16 has gotten a LOT of love so far, so if you're wanting to add to the zine, but unsure which image to work off of... well, the lizard rider, the Minotaur and his assailant, and the wizard with gnolls are looking for a friend right now.


  1. That "Keep-on-Truckin'", "Fritz the Cat" style illo. of 'Gnolls meet Jerry Garcia',.. er, I mean...'Gnolls meet Wizard'.

    Well, that's a tough one. I've struggled with, and scrapped it twice now. A good flash-fiction piece maybe? Or a...(oh shit,)...I just got an idea,
    I gotta go.....

  2. I'm not steeped in enough R. Crumb directly to do it justice, but yeah, an R. Crumb homage/referencing piece seems 100% on point.
