Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Okay, Cats and Jammers — there are just under two weeks left to get your entries in for FANTASTIC!

Okay, Cats and Jammers — there are just under two weeks left to get your entries in for FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! Volume Two!

All-but-one prompts are up in this group. Any little detail you notice in a piece of art from the Holmes book is fair game for a new feature/item/spell/monster/etc. created by you for everyone's game! (Details on how to do that are in previous posts, or you can ask for clarification below.)

First of next month, I'll be reviewing what's been sent in and starting to work on laying out the zine. At that point, if things seem a bit scant for one or more illustrations, I'll make a post about what we can use more of...

Have you been thinking about entering, but something is holding you back? Ask questions here, or get in touch, and maybe we can hash it over and make it happen!

Now's the time.

wilson 4681220 at gmail


  1. Terra Frank, that's it exactly. If you've seen volume one, it'll make even more sense. Pick any illustration from the Holmes rule book, and any aspect of that picture is your inspiration... the staff in hand, the spell being cast, the armor worn, the thing hanging from a belt, whatever you see, whatever you don't see... whatever you can infer...

    Take that, turn it into a little write-up as if it's a missing bit from that set of rules, and that's it!

  2. Denis McCarthy, cool. I'll know what I need once I get layout started.

  3. excellent. I am working on illustrations for BlueHolme currently
