There Might Be even more reason to wish GenCon was a thousand or two miles closer...
Friday, June 30, 2017
Who's up for a writing assignment, FEI-style?
Who's up for a writing assignment, FEI-style?
It's time to start turning all the writing received for F.E.I. v2 so far into an actual thing!
...But there are some gaps to fill, too.
Reply here if you're even a little bit interested in cranking out a colossal 80-200 words, so I know the pool of interested parties, and if I don't already have your email, email me at wilson 4681220 at gmail.
Let's wrap up the writing and make a zine!
It's time to start turning all the writing received for F.E.I. v2 so far into an actual thing!
...But there are some gaps to fill, too.
Reply here if you're even a little bit interested in cranking out a colossal 80-200 words, so I know the pool of interested parties, and if I don't already have your email, email me at wilson 4681220 at gmail.
Let's wrap up the writing and make a zine!
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
This has been shared a lot. But it's cool as hell so I'm sharing too.
Originally shared by James V West
This has been shared a lot. But it's cool as hell so I'm sharing too.
From day one this game (and all RPGs) have been, for me, a kind of blank slate invitation to dream. Despite the potential perception that its a boys' club, gaming is merely a vessel for imagination. Everyone can play.
It's here, general ordering info for Tales of Peril!
It's here, general ordering info for Tales of Peril!
Originally shared by Allan Grohe
Tales of Peril is now available to order from Black Blade Publishing; details at
Originally shared by Allan Grohe
Tales of Peril is now available to order from Black Blade Publishing; details at
Friday, June 23, 2017
A great post on using Holmes Ref!
A great post on using Holmes Ref!
Thursday, June 22, 2017
UK Art! From the UK edition of HOLMES!
Jon Wilson wrote:
UK Art! From the UK edition of HOLMES!
FEI missed it last time (along with a couple other pieces) -- but we're not skipping it this time!
I'm not 100% sure if this is all of the alternate art from the UK edition, but it'll certainly give you a jumping on point.
It's time for your Holmesian cyclopi! Time for your dwarven belts! Time for your cave-men and your strange... maidens?
Time to get crackin'!
Send your submissions to wilson 4681220 at gmail
Submissions from the UK especially welcome.
Post your questions below...
The Ruined Keep on the Former Borderlands now part of the Wilderness of Chaos
The Ruined Keep on the Former Borderlands now part of the Wilderness of Chaos
Originally shared by Jeff Rients
Ruin All the Places
When I sketch out some ruins from scratch, they don't always feel ruin-y enough for me. We're talking about proper ruins here: wrecked castles, burn-out ghost towns, Scooby Doo haunted mansions, etc. So I thought I'd try thinking about a better procedure ...
Originally shared by Jeff Rients
Ruin All the Places
When I sketch out some ruins from scratch, they don't always feel ruin-y enough for me. We're talking about proper ruins here: wrecked castles, burn-out ghost towns, Scooby Doo haunted mansions, etc. So I thought I'd try thinking about a better procedure ...
One of the new additions to Holmes Ref 2.0 is a table of Lesser Magic Items.
One of the new additions to Holmes Ref 2.0 is a table of Lesser Magic Items. The material in this table originally appeared with illustrations, in Dungeon Crawl #3 (2013), a zine edited by Wayne Rossi (still available). I've now made the Holmes Ref version available as a separate sheet, and made a blog post of the table for readability:
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Great stuff & usable as-is with any D&D:
Great stuff & usable as-is with any D&D:
Originally shared by Jeff Rients
Meet the locals: Vyzor hirelings
A large number of semi-active adventurers have become permanent fixtures in and around Castle Vyzor. Most of the time, these individuals are happy to sponge off the generosity of the Sorcerer of the Blue Mask. Occasionally--often due to gambling debts or ...
Originally shared by Jeff Rients
Meet the locals: Vyzor hirelings
A large number of semi-active adventurers have become permanent fixtures in and around Castle Vyzor. Most of the time, these individuals are happy to sponge off the generosity of the Sorcerer of the Blue Mask. Occasionally--often due to gambling debts or ...
The State of Submissions for FEI V2
The State of Submissions for FEI V2
One goal I have for Volume Two is to get more voices between the front and back covers. We had a dozen different contributors in Volume One. We can get MORE into Volume Two.
So look at it this way: Where do you know that your voice can be heard? Most likely in the spaces where there are few or no voices now...
Below is a list of what’s happening with each reference piece, in terms of how many contributors have handled that subject. Three is a good number for a zine-sized thing. Two is not bad.
Can we get more for those subjects that have only one voice or no voices so far? Can we get NEW VOICES into the mix?
Only you can answer that. Let’s hear what you say...
Cover - 2 voices
Orcs/party - 3 voices
Lizard - 2 voices
Web wizard - 2 voices
Minotaur - 3 voices
Dwarfs - 2 voices
Wiz/gnolls - 2 voices
Slime - 1 voice
Harpies - 1 voice
Hydra - 0 voices
Manticore - 0 voices
Purple worm - 0 voices
Fallen skeleton - 0 voices
Treasure assort (1st pg 33) - 1 voice
Sword - 0 voices
Item assort - 1 voice
Sarcophagus fight - 0 voices
One goal I have for Volume Two is to get more voices between the front and back covers. We had a dozen different contributors in Volume One. We can get MORE into Volume Two.
So look at it this way: Where do you know that your voice can be heard? Most likely in the spaces where there are few or no voices now...
Below is a list of what’s happening with each reference piece, in terms of how many contributors have handled that subject. Three is a good number for a zine-sized thing. Two is not bad.
Can we get more for those subjects that have only one voice or no voices so far? Can we get NEW VOICES into the mix?
Only you can answer that. Let’s hear what you say...
Cover - 2 voices
Orcs/party - 3 voices
Lizard - 2 voices
Web wizard - 2 voices
Minotaur - 3 voices
Dwarfs - 2 voices
Wiz/gnolls - 2 voices
Slime - 1 voice
Harpies - 1 voice
Hydra - 0 voices
Manticore - 0 voices
Purple worm - 0 voices
Fallen skeleton - 0 voices
Treasure assort (1st pg 33) - 1 voice
Sword - 0 voices
Item assort - 1 voice
Sarcophagus fight - 0 voices
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Interesting article by Joe Kline.
Interesting article by Joe Kline. See also discussion here:
Okay, Cats and Jammers — there are just under two weeks left to get your entries in for FANTASTIC!
Okay, Cats and Jammers — there are just under two weeks left to get your entries in for FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! Volume Two!
All-but-one prompts are up in this group. Any little detail you notice in a piece of art from the Holmes book is fair game for a new feature/item/spell/monster/etc. created by you for everyone's game! (Details on how to do that are in previous posts, or you can ask for clarification below.)
First of next month, I'll be reviewing what's been sent in and starting to work on laying out the zine. At that point, if things seem a bit scant for one or more illustrations, I'll make a post about what we can use more of...
Have you been thinking about entering, but something is holding you back? Ask questions here, or get in touch, and maybe we can hash it over and make it happen!
Now's the time.
wilson 4681220 at gmail
All-but-one prompts are up in this group. Any little detail you notice in a piece of art from the Holmes book is fair game for a new feature/item/spell/monster/etc. created by you for everyone's game! (Details on how to do that are in previous posts, or you can ask for clarification below.)
First of next month, I'll be reviewing what's been sent in and starting to work on laying out the zine. At that point, if things seem a bit scant for one or more illustrations, I'll make a post about what we can use more of...
Have you been thinking about entering, but something is holding you back? Ask questions here, or get in touch, and maybe we can hash it over and make it happen!
Now's the time.
wilson 4681220 at gmail
Monday, June 19, 2017
I'll be catching up on FEI emails tomorrow.
I'll be catching up on FEI emails tomorrow.
I'll have a post here about the FEI writing deadline — and what it means — tomorrow as well...
In any case, if you've got questions, or need clarification, or are just wondering what this is all about, just reply on this post — and I'll be catching up on that tomorrow, too.
But in the meantime, here's the next-to-last prompt, if you're looking for prompting:
Look, I'm Arlin Ortizing the Borderlands! (More work needed, but first,some sleep...)
Originally shared by Eric Nieudan
Look, I'm Arlin Ortizing the Borderlands! (More work needed, but first, some sleep...)
(Thanks cecil howe for the heads up. I hesitated for about 20 seconds before buying the set.)
I talked to David Wesley last night, and he clued us in on the upcoming documentary movie "The Secrets of Blackmoor"...
I talked to David Wesley last night, and he clued us in on the upcoming documentary movie "The Secrets of Blackmoor" detailing the origins of our favorite hobby. The good Major is involved (interviews and all), and as far as he can tell, the film MIGHT be out late this year...
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Trivia fans may get a kick out of my new quiz on Sporcle.
Trivia fans may get a kick out of my new quiz on Sporcle.
Just saw Cars 3 with the family.
Just saw Cars 3 with the family. Much better than Cars 2, a real return to form. We saw it after re-watching the first movie last night.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Holmes Ref 2.0 for Free RPG Day - expanded to 18 pages!
Holmes Ref 2.0 for Free RPG Day - expanded to 18 pages!
Friday, June 16, 2017
New Republic article on Beren & Luthien. h/t toGreg Gorgonmilk
New Republic article on Beren & Luthien. h/t toGreg Gorgonmilk
It's live now, if you need a dungeon for this weekend
It's live now, if you need a dungeon for this weekend
Originally shared by Shane Ward
Originally shared by Shane Ward
Don't worry, the lovely lady named Lemunda in that boat is onlypretending her hands are still tied, for the benefit...
Don't worry, the lovely lady named Lemunda in that boat is only pretending her hands are still tied, for the benefit of those scurvy dogs on the beach. That giant octopus is about to feel the point of her hidden dagger!
BLUEHOLME™ Journeymanne Rules artwork courtesy of Del Teigeler (who needs to be invited to this community, Zach H!).
Thursday, June 15, 2017
What do you suppose the odds are that Cloud Giants are supposed to be doing 6-36 points of damage, not 6-63 points...
What do you suppose the odds are that Cloud Giants are supposed to be doing 6-36 points of damage, not 6-63 points of damage? Just bumped into this specific detail, and immediately was struck by what the book says...
I'm guessing it's infinite-to-one.
~does not know how to calculate odds~
I'm guessing it's infinite-to-one.
~does not know how to calculate odds~
I'll be honest: I'm hoping to hear from you.
Jon Wilson wrote:
I'll be honest: I'm hoping to hear from you.
There are six confirmed contributors so far for FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! Volume Two.
I'd love to double or triple that. We could even fourple that, regardless as to if that's a word or not. I haven't worked up any entries myself yet, but I'd be very happy to be unable to fit anything in there, because it's so full of contributions from members of this community there's no room for me to pitch into my own zine!
But truly, I think of it as this community's zine... So having your voices in it seems like the best possible way to go...
Join on in!
The FBI's file on Gary Gygax.
The FBI's file on Gary Gygax. See also this Knights & Knaves Alehouse discussion:
Originally shared by Ben Milton
Someone used the Freedom of Information Act to dig up the FBI's files on Gygax. It's pretty awesome.
Originally shared by Ben Milton
Someone used the Freedom of Information Act to dig up the FBI's files on Gygax. It's pretty awesome.
New Reference Sheet available, the long-awaited M-U Spells Levels 4-6!
New Reference Sheet available, the long-awaited M-U Spells Levels 4-6!
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Watching the original Robotech series for the first time thanks to this post by Trent on his Mystical Trash Heap...
Watching the original Robotech series for the first time thanks to this post by Trent on his Mystical Trash Heap blog. All 85 episodes are on Netflix right now!
Just finished the 3rd episode tonight.
Just finished the 3rd episode tonight.
Tell Me About Your Character podcast
Chris Holmes wrote:
Inspired by Larry Hamilton, I got myself on Tell Me About Your Character. I shamelessly plug Tales of Peril. It was quick and fun. More of you old guys should be on this show.
Inspired by Larry Hamilton, I got myself on Tell Me About Your Character. I shamelessly plug Tales of Peril. It was quick and fun. More of you old guys should be on this show.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
F.E.I. Volume Two is proceeding apace.
F.E.I. Volume Two is proceeding apace.
[Stops to look-up 'apace'.]
I'm not throwing out any entries I get. They'll either be in V2, or perhaps wind up in the theoretical-at-the-moment V3.
That said, page 16 has gotten a LOT of love so far, so if you're wanting to add to the zine, but unsure which image to work off of... well, the lizard rider, the Minotaur and his assailant, and the wizard with gnolls are looking for a friend right now.
[Stops to look-up 'apace'.]
I'm not throwing out any entries I get. They'll either be in V2, or perhaps wind up in the theoretical-at-the-moment V3.
That said, page 16 has gotten a LOT of love so far, so if you're wanting to add to the zine, but unsure which image to work off of... well, the lizard rider, the Minotaur and his assailant, and the wizard with gnolls are looking for a friend right now.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Because there was owlbear/sharkbear talk here the other day, I made this happen (with "Basic Stats"):
Because there was owlbear/sharkbear talk here the other day, I made this happen (with "Basic Stats"):
Originally shared by Jon Wilson (bygrinstow)
Init +0 Melee Atk • bite +4 (1d10) • tail slap +3 (1d6, only in water) • wing-rasp +2 (1d8) AC 16HD 4d7+4 MV fly 30, swim 45 Act 2d20 SP drag down Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +1 AL C The owlshark can be sighted from coastlines or at sea, distinguished by its dors...
Originally shared by Jon Wilson (bygrinstow)
Init +0 Melee Atk • bite +4 (1d10) • tail slap +3 (1d6, only in water) • wing-rasp +2 (1d8) AC 16HD 4d7+4 MV fly 30, swim 45 Act 2d20 SP drag down Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +1 AL C The owlshark can be sighted from coastlines or at sea, distinguished by its dors...
Holmes Art Prompt #6
Jon Wilson wrote:
Promptly posting the next prompt? Maybe... but here it is nonetheless...
FANTASTIC! EXCITING! IMAGINATIVE! Volume Two is well underway, but needs MUCH more input from you — especially if you missed contributing to Volume One.
The High Lowdown (has most of your questions answered):
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Saturday, June 10, 2017
So I found this ancient Citadel mini.
So I found this ancient Citadel mini. I'm painting it up to be a PC or NPC for the Holmes -> AD&D game I'm starting with my kids.
I'm trying to think of something neat to out on the shield as a device, but coming up blank. Any ideas?

I'm trying to think of something neat to out on the shield as a device, but coming up blank. Any ideas?


An article, by Holmes, about everyone's favorite game...
An article, by Holmes, about everyone's favorite game...
Announcing theGOLDEN CRAB MALLET awards
Originally shared by Erik Jensen
Putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak, by announcing the GOLDEN CRAB MALLET awards for excellent excellence in roleplaying games. See the linked announcement (and share it as you please, note this rare Public post as well).
The awards themselves - consisting of a gold spray-painted wooden crab mallet and probably a t-shirt or something - will be awarded at TridentCon this year in November. Submissions need to be in by 15 July.
There are only two categories: "Fun Adventure" and "Free Product". That's it.
Why a crab mallet? Because TridentCon is all about old school Baltimore this year! And also because a crab mallet is a tool - something meant to be used, not something to be held up as great art and discussed on forums but never actually brought to bear at the table. <-- awards="" br="" guiding="" in="" note="" of="" principle="" snuck="" there="">
I'll recruit a few judges next month. If something you produced is in contention, you won't be asked to be a judge, obviously.-->
Putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak, by announcing the GOLDEN CRAB MALLET awards for excellent excellence in roleplaying games. See the linked announcement (and share it as you please, note this rare Public post as well).
The awards themselves - consisting of a gold spray-painted wooden crab mallet and probably a t-shirt or something - will be awarded at TridentCon this year in November. Submissions need to be in by 15 July.
There are only two categories: "Fun Adventure" and "Free Product". That's it.
Why a crab mallet? Because TridentCon is all about old school Baltimore this year! And also because a crab mallet is a tool - something meant to be used, not something to be held up as great art and discussed on forums but never actually brought to bear at the table. <-- awards="" br="" guiding="" in="" note="" of="" principle="" snuck="" there="">
I'll recruit a few judges next month. If something you produced is in contention, you won't be asked to be a judge, obviously.-->
Sad news...I watched a lot of Batman when young
Sad news...I watched a lot of Batman when young
Originally shared by Shawn Sanford
Originally shared by Shawn Sanford
Friday, June 9, 2017
This may be of interest in view of the discussion of the "demon face door" catalog in the other post.
This may be of interest in view of the discussion of the "demon face door" catalog in the other post. It's a transcription of an letter by Holmes from Space Gamer 64 (1983).
Holmes Art Prompt #5
Jon Wilson wrote:
Thank you for all the submissions so far! Plenty of room for more, everybody...
Today's prompts, if you need them, include the first of the illustrations we missed last time...
wilson 4681220 at the gmails
Thursday, June 8, 2017
This catalog is sometimes found in Holmes Basic sets.
This catalog is sometimes found in Holmes Basic sets.
Originally shared by Grand DM
The 1979/80 demon door. While not as infamous as the ToH Green Devil Face, it's still awesome.
Originally shared by Grand DM
The 1979/80 demon door. While not as infamous as the ToH Green Devil Face, it's still awesome.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Trent with a great series on his games with Gygax at Glathricon in 1988, where he was playtesting his module...
Trent with a great series on his games with Gygax at Glathricon in 1988, where he was playtesting his module Necropolis:
Monday, June 5, 2017
Holmes Art Prompt #4
Jon Wilson wrote:
More images to get you creating...
Send submissions to: wilson 4681220 @ gmail
You can remember those numbers easily, because they are the Holmes Set dice!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Tonight is the Zombie episode, which may have inspired Holmes' mysterious line "except zombies who are poisoned by...
Tonight is the Zombie episode, which may have inspired Holmes' mysterious line "except zombies who are poisoned by salt" in the 1st printing of the Basic rulebook.
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
Recently discovered that the 1974 TV series Kolchak the Night Stalker series is currently playing every Sunday night at 10 PM on MeTV. Last week the 1st episode of the regular series (which was made after two TV movies) was on. Gygax was a fan and one episode inspired him to include the Rakshasa in D&D. Kolchak is played by the dad from Christmas Story...!
Originally shared by Zenopus Archives
Recently discovered that the 1974 TV series Kolchak the Night Stalker series is currently playing every Sunday night at 10 PM on MeTV. Last week the 1st episode of the regular series (which was made after two TV movies) was on. Gygax was a fan and one episode inspired him to include the Rakshasa in D&D. Kolchak is played by the dad from Christmas Story...!
Recently discovered that the 1974 TV series Kolchak the Night Stalker series is currently playing every Sunday night...
Recently discovered that the 1974 TV series Kolchak the Night Stalker series is currently playing every Sunday night at 10 PM on MeTV. Last week the 1st episode of the regular series (which was made after two TV movies) was on. Gygax was a fan and one episode inspired him to include the Rakshasa in D&D. Kolchak is played by the dad from Christmas Story...!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Here you go!
Here you go! Chris Holmes, who agreed to inscribe my book to me. The other fellow is Dennis Sustarre, the original Druid with a fiery chariot.
Friday, June 2, 2017
If you haven't heard, a "new" Tolkien book was released yesterday, "Beren and Luthien".
If you haven't heard, a "new" Tolkien book was released yesterday, "Beren and Luthien". $20 from Amazon. My hard copy is on order and due to arrive tomorrow. I'll post more thoughts once I get it.
40th anniversary of Holmes Basic starts next month!
40th anniversary of Holmes Basic starts next month!
Originally shared by Larry Hamilton
In 2014, I did the D&D 40th Anniversary Blog Hop Challenge. 2017 is my D&D 40th Anniversary year, so I'm answering those same questions in video form.
Originally shared by Larry Hamilton
In 2014, I did the D&D 40th Anniversary Blog Hop Challenge. 2017 is my D&D 40th Anniversary year, so I'm answering those same questions in video form.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Tales of Peril makes its debut in print at the North Texas RPG Con!
Tales of Peril makes its debut in print at the North Texas RPG Con!
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