Friday, February 16, 2018

Today is the birthday of J. Eric Holmes, who would have been 88 today.


  1. A person who touched many lives, and made a positive impact on many of them.

  2. A toast to the good doctor, one and all!

  3. I was introduced to role playing games when a friend of mine (3 years older) brought his Holmes Basic set to our carpool. Hard to say whether, how or when I'd have drifted into the gaming hobby had that set not been available, but I do know I owe my introduction to gaming entirely to Holmes. When I shuffle off this mortal coil, should there be an afterlife I look forward to shaking his hand and buying him a beer in thanks for his contribution to my life and the lives of the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of kids who got that set and entered a world of wonder.

  4. Holmes will forever be THE STANDARD by which I conceptualize the hobby. Happy Birthday!

  5. All these years and editions later, Holmes is still the D&D that lives in my head.

  6. Rest in Peace and Many Thanks friend I never met!

  7. I am a relative latecomer to Holmes D&D, but I guess you could say it made a big impression. ;-)
