Saturday, February 3, 2018

Finished my sewer dungeon mini map for my son’s first dungeoncrawl.

Paul Haupt III wrote:

Finished my sewer dungeon mini map for my son’s first dungeoncrawl. Added some color to the water, some subtle detailing, plus a few hints at some denizens...

Zenopus Note --- See also:


  1. Beautiful. I like the cartoons around the edges, really makes it your own. Now run it, and then write it up as a two to four page dungeon!

  2. Zach H with some minor adjustments I could see this as a candidate for the 1 page dungeon contest.

  3. Charley Phipps Zach H I could very easily slim this down to a 1-pager!

  4. It's a fun parent-kid activity to play 1:1 when they are that age.

  5. Really nice! It's not only beautiful, but the looping and complexity are much more interesting than the straight-line inevitability sewer maps often display. Are you planning on having one copy for DM use, and giving your son's character a chance to find his own copy of the map as treasure? You definitely win the Cool Dad Award! I hope you and your son have a lot of fun.

  6. Karel Hynek Macha Thanks! Yeah, I need to put together a version (probably partial, with some notes — probably finds it on a skeleton) just for him to discover at some point in the adventure. Hoping to possibly get the session under way this weekend. I'm definitely psyched!

  7. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
