Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I've been reading Maze of Peril by Holmes before I fall asleep.

Herman Klang wrote:

I've been reading Maze of Peril by Holmes before I fall asleep. I am surprised by the parallels between it and my Portown campaign using the sample dungeon.

I probably shouldn't be but some of the things were eerie. I didn't know about the Dagonites but put a Kuo Toa temple.

During the first session the PCs find the temple and steal a stature just like Boinger et al. on their first adventure in the underworld.

This leads to problems that follow both parties out of the underworld and into the town.

I mean I guess we both read Shadow over Innsmouth and then drew some maps, so it shouldn't be that surprising.


  1. So apparently John Eric Holmes thinks that when you sneeze it sounds like "GERFLOOSH!"

  2. Great to hear you are reading it. I just re-read it last weekend while working on my Gary Con adventure. Which I will eventually share with everybody. My six-pregens are Boinger, Zereth, Murray, Hortensa, Sir Geoffrey and Brother Ambrose.

  3. I rcvd it in the mail, but can't handle reading two books at once so it waits until I finish Guns of August<¤>

  4. Zach H What character classes did you make them? Race-as-class for Boinger and Zereth, or multiclass, or something else? I'm guessing Murray and Ambrose are a magic-user and a cleric, obviously. Is Geoffrey just a very religious fighter, or did you use some kind of paladin rules? How about Hortensa - is she a fighter?

  5. For this game, I'm using Holmes Basic as expanded by OD&D + Greyhawk, so they are: Boinger - a Hobbit Fighter, Zereth - Elf F/M-U, Murray - M-U, Hortensa - Fighter with Amazon Background (from my OD&D Backgrounds), Sir Geoffrey - a Paladin, and Ambrose - a Lawful Good Cleric. I've used info from the character sheets in Tales of Peril and in the Maze of Peril novel for details, but it's not a strict recreation, more of a parallel universe take.

  6. Well Herman, if I were a Jungian, I would say you and Dad tapped into the same collective unconscious. It's probably just Dagon, messing with your dreams.

    Sounds great Zach, you can add a dwarf and Olaf the mercenary if you need to.

  7. Chris Holmes Zach H I second adding Bardan the zombie dwarf as a possible PC (minor spoilers).
