Saturday, February 10, 2018

Holmes Edition is wonderfully flexible.

Holmes Edition is wonderfully flexible. I just ran my 9th grade daughter and her friends through a session using holmes basic but they were in an alternate modern universe of their high school including elves, daemons, etc. Very Fun. :)


  1. That is awesome! I'm preparing to use Holmes Basic to run my 9 year old and his friend in a sci-fi setting where they travel to another world populated by dinosaurs.

  2. That's a great concept, Thom Hall - Buffy the Holmesian Slayer? : )

  3. Jon Hook, great concept as well - and in keeping with Holmes' enthusiasm for classic pulp settings, of which Lost Worlds (ERB, Conan Doyle) is a major trope. If you haven't seen them, the Cadillacs & Dinosaurs RPG has some pretty good material for that genre.

    I grew up on the Turok Son of Stone comics back in the 70s; if you haven't read those, the Dark Horse archive TPBs are also worth checking out.
