Friday, February 2, 2018

Gary Con general (silver badge) registration opens up tomorrow at noon CST.

Gary Con general (silver badge) registration opens up tomorrow at noon CST. As I posted previously, I have two scheduled sessions of the Return to the Tower of Zenopus, on Fri and Sat morning from 9-1. The Friday game is now full but the Sat game still has 5 openings:
#brazenheadofzenopus (FYI I had to cancel my attendance)


  1. Running a little late it appears as I cannot buy tickets yet

  2. Looks like Return to the Tower was a popular choice! See you guys there on Saturday...

  3. Looks like from here we have Handy Haversack and Eric Hoffman in the Friday game, and David Ferguson, Thom Hall and Demos Sachlas in the Saturday game. Anybody else I've overlooked?

  4. Eric Hoffman -Awesome, and I just jumped into the afternoon Chainmail game run by Mike Mornard that you are also signed up for. Plenty of spots left if anyone else is interested:
    Mike was one of Gygax's original Greyhawk players and still a big fan of Chainmail
