Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Gamma World 1E (1978) XP system.

The Gamma World 1E (1978) XP system. You don't gain levels, you just gain one random bonus after you get a certain amount of XP. This could be adapted for Holmes Basic or other OSR games. Might work best with a classless system. How about a game using the Holmes rules, but where everyone gets all of the abilities of Fighter/Cleric/Magic-User/Thief each level, plus one random bonus from this table?


  1. Let's call it 'Warlock Warrior' after the Gardner Fox novel. Every character starts with d8 HP, 1 Magic-User or Cleric Spell, Cleric Turning and Thief Abilities. Very suitable for 1-on-1 gaming or small parties.

  2. Each level you gain another d8 HP, spells as a MU (but can pick from MU or Cleric spells), increased turning and Thief skills, plus one random roll on the XP table.

  3. I always liked the Gamma World method (and Mutant Future from Goblinoid Games adopts a similar method).  Characters were front loaded and 'levels' meant little.  In my limited experience running these games this advancement method focuses characters more on what they would like their characters to accomplish in-game, instead of the default kill, loot, get XP motivation in D&D.

  4. Like the Classic Traveller system which essentially had no character advancement other than the stuff they accumulated - which would work just as well for D&D if you think about it.

  5. Something like this could be easily adapted, and could be lots of fun!
