Monday, March 2, 2015

More Q&A on the original Known World by Schick & Moldvay.

More Q&A on the original Known World by Schick & Moldvay. Questions by James Mishler, answers by Lawrence Schick. Of note here, the list of deities includes a list of  'Great Old Ones' that are the same (except for omitting Azathoth) as those appearing in Holmes & Kuntz' Lovecraftian Mythos article in Dragon #12, Feb '78.


  1. It's more than just that it's the same entities, it's the same order, and uses the same heading the "Great Old Ones." It's pretty much impossible that list wasn't copied from the Dragon. Compare how different the Melniboneans are from the GDH version (aside from the order of the last four elementals). Hard to argue this sheet could have been typed before 1978, unless they both copied from some common source.

  2. Agreed. I have a copy of correspondence between Holmes & Kuntz and the manuscript for the article. Holmes' original letter & manuscript is dated 10/20/77 and is titled "The Lovecraftian Gods, the Great Old Ones", which became the subtitle in the Dragon article. This material is missing Cthuga, Ithaqua & Yig, which were added by Kuntz on a separate, appended sheet. So the final order didn't appear until these additions were interpolated in the printed article, which makes it less likely it appeared somewhere else first.
