Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Thought you guys might enjoy this new video on Pellucidar - JEH gets a shout-out part way through, around 2:30

Thought you guys might enjoy this new video on Pellucidar - JEH gets a shout-out part way through, around 2:30


  1. Thanks, Demos! Just watched it. Strangely, the video shows as 14 minutes long, but there's actually on 4 minutes of content before the credits, and then 10 minutes of darkness. Anyway, a nice visual overview. I didn't realize a new authorized sequel was recently published. Perhaps there is hope for a republication of Mahars of Pellucidar and a first publication of the sequel Red Axe...?

  2. Zach H Thanks for mentioning the length discrepancy - I forgot to do so. And yes, there is definitely grounds for optimism regarding JEH's Pellucidar stories. I will be sure to post something here as soon as there is any official news, unless Chris beats me to it...

  3. Thanks that was a good promo video. And nice to see Dad's book get mentioned. Hopefully I will get some more news this Summer
