Tuesday, July 31, 2018

XL1 Quest for the Heartstone illustration

SkinnyOrc on Dragonsfoot wrote: "This picture always made me laugh. I swear the wizard and dwarf are looking across at Warduke going "I can't put my finger on it but I'm not sure we can trust that guy. Maybe it's the horned skull shield, bat wing helm and glowing red eyes? Hmm." "
Pic is from the module XL1 Quest for the Heartstone


  1. youtube.com - 'Are we the Baddies?' Mitchell and Webb Funny Nazi Scetch

    (The Deathshead had a long history in Prussian army culture back to the 18th century or so, but still ... "Are we the baddies?")

  2. I dropped Warduke into a game shortly after we had a couple super new school players join the table. Nice people, but they were really slowing the game down, and had a different play style. As the party rounded a corner, Warduke was up on horseback with a small squad of similarly armored fighters. I described them, had the caller roll initiative, and explained that both groups were surprised.

    The table immediately snapped into tactical questions. And then one of the new players stops everybody and asks, "wait... I think we should talk; they could become allies."

    A long time player looks at her and says, "Three reasons we're going to kill them as hard as possible: Number one: Glowing. Number two: Red. Number three: Eyes."

    My wife just glowered at the table in general, shook her d20 and slowly said, "I'm going to kill many things tonight."

    A flight of barbed arrows into a dogfolk slave the new player had spent time and spells healing ended all question as to if a squad of fighters wearing black, skull adorned armor might be the good guys.
