Saturday, July 14, 2018

I have a copy of the rules labeled "2nd edition, November 1978", which has a blue cover.

I have a copy of the rules labeled "2nd edition, November 1978", which has a blue cover. How many runs or editions of Eric Holmes' book were there? What edition is the color version of the rules? Are there significant changes?


  1. Color version? As far as I know, the box was the color cover and the booklet was always blue.

  2. Phil, take a look at the Intro section of this page. I have the editions/printings listed out. As R.J. said, the rulebook cover was always monochrome blue. - List of Changes Made to the Holmes Basic Rulebook - Zenopus Archives

  3. I inherited my copy of Holmes' book, so I never saw the box or associated components. I would have been 6 years old in 1978. I seem to recall having it at age 8, so it is a well loved treasure.

  4. I have two 3rd editions 1979 and one with the copyright page missing, so not sure which it is. The one with the missing pages is the original we had. I don't think any of us left know exactly where it came from. Perhaps Eric Stewart if I could ever get ahold of him as he initially acquired an incomplete photocopy of the rules way back when which he, my brother and some of their friends started playing and house ruling before AD&D became available. I think it was their house rulings of Holmes that became a part of how I was taught AD&D (which for years I thought was BtB - it wasn't).
