Sunday, July 15, 2018

Thought: it's very popular to fill in the "dead space" on maps with cross-hatching etc, but it makes it harder for...

Thought: it's very popular to fill in the "dead space" on maps with cross-hatching etc, but it makes it harder for the user to modify by adding new rooms/corridors/connections between the existing rooms.


  1. Interesting. Never thought of that.

  2. The hatches make it look finished. So hold off till you're finished

  3. Thanks for putting words to this. I’ve run into this problem trying to use Dyson’s maps sometimes

  4. Chad Robb No dungeon is ever finished! : )

  5. If you want to go all old school, make a pair of xeroxes of the map you wish to modify and cut feature out of one copy and glue or tape them to the other.

    I know with Dyson's maps, he hatches around walls, but is spare with details in the middle of rooms. You can use that open space to cover up hatching and draw your own details. If you want to go nuts, cut out some the hatch work and paste or tape it around your mod. Make another copy when done.

    Photoshop is better/easier, but then you lose that old school, sloppy craftsmanship. It looks too perfect.

  6. Paticularly an issue if A) modding an old map to suit a new dungeon, and B) if using Dungeon World style player agency- "I search for a secret door and rolled great" thus creating o e. I see option A more in this group,

  7. I use a lot of Dyson's maps for my D&D games, and I re-draw them to a 1 inch grid for my players' minis. If I need to change anything, I just draw in the changes on the 1 inch grid.

    If I need to put a bit of thought into it, I'll just use Linux' version of MSPaint (I use KolourPaint) to open it & make changes. Since I mostly c&p bits of Dyson's original & resize, re-align, rotate, etc., it rarely looks 'added on' aafter the fact. Or at least, that's how it looks to me. ;)

  8. Who has time to cross-hatch white space?
