Sunday, July 1, 2018

Gary Gygax at work in his TSR office at 723 Williams Street (per ErnieGygax on FB) in Lake Geneva, WI.

Gary Gygax at work in his TSR office at 723 Williams Street (per Ernie Gygax on FB) in Lake Geneva, WI. Dated 12/77, so after Holmes Basic and just around when the Monster Manual came out. Perhaps he is at work on the Players Handbook?

Originally shared by Grand DM

Gary Gygax at work in his office (1977). That giant coffee mug is definitely +5.


  1. I'm intrigued by the shrooms in the picture in the background. Also, love the stained-glass lampshade cover. Wow

  2. Looking at this again --- based on the positioning of the yellow band on the far side, that may be an upside-down lid of a Holmes Basic set in the background...!!!

  3. Demos Sachlas I call those Tiffany lamps, even if not made by Tiffany.

  4. Count me in wondering about the myconids, or whatever they are.

  5. Cool. This and it's 'brother' pic from that old issue of SR, I've long wondered about how cramped the office is. It sure looks it. It seems as though the door just barely has enough room to open. Now, I realize things were different at/for TSR about ten years my 12 or 13 year old mind ('86-'87), I honestly imagined then that TSR was some ivory tower, white-collar kinda place with hundreds and hundreds of employees. I was kinda shocked when I learned otherwise in my twenties or so. I suppose what I imagined came from the fact that the game itself and items pertaining to it and other things in it's orbit of influence were everywhere from the time I became aware of it in the early 80s and when I started playing in fall of '86 and how very much it was still a strong fixture in every game store, toy store and book store in the 90s. I have to laugh at myself now to have imagined Gary as some high-powered megacorp president or something sitting at the head of a long table in a posh board room on the 70th floor of some skyscraper somewhere. heh

  6. Regarding the shroom pic: It looks as though it's simply placed on top of that kitschy 70s made in Mexico 'medieval weapons' thing that was in about 3 outta 10 homes back then (it seemed). So, I'd imagine it's some sort of kinda cheesy 'motivational' thing. For my own part, I wonder about the vehicle outside the window. Is that a motor home? Well, I suppose it could be one of those glorious 70s vans. :)

  7. Oh! Also, it really weirds me out to know Gary is only 39 years old in this pic. Five years younger than I am now.... so odd... Also, I wish I had accomplished as much as he did by that age, or even by now. LOL!

  8. Where is his PC? Laptop? Printer?
