Thursday, November 23, 2017

To our esteemed Zach H : I believe I asked this before and if memory serves you may have stated you wished to wait...

To our esteemed Zach H : I believe I asked this before and if memory serves you may have stated you wished to wait until things were ironed out, etc. but, is there still hope that your Holmes Ref doc/stuff may hit Lulu?

I wish there was a legit pdf of Holmes, as I'd love to have it + the Holmes Ref doc put together in a simple, lite, spiral-bound thing....

Barring that, the Holmes Ref as a saddle-stitched extra for our old Blue books would be SO cool and so useful, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.
Yay? Nay? Now? Later? You wish? What?


  1. If I remember correctly, you have to have a certain minimum number of pages before Lulu will publish a bound copy.

  2. I hadn't considered it. It still feels like a work in progress since there are so many more fundamental sheets I've been drafting - character classes, dungeoneering, combat, etc. I'll look into when I get some of those done because it will essentially cover the whole game at that point.

  3. Oh, and thanks for the interest and enthusiasm, Eric!

  4. For what it's worth, I've collected my Holmes Ref sheets in sheet protectors in a binder; along with a spare / play copy of Holmes, the Monster & Treasure Assortment, and some other materials (all of which fit in standard sheet protectors). Works great at the table, and I can pull out multiple copies of the relevant sheets (character sheets, character creation flowchart, backgrounds for human characters, Holmesian name genertaor, etc.) to give players at the table. If anything, I think using a binder works a lot better than a bound book for actual play.

  5. I agree & I also use the sheets in sheet protectors. My DM screen is a double panel sheet protector with backing boards (I keep meaning to post a picture of this). But I do think having it in a bound form might increase the visibility & interest.

  6. I created a Lulu account and I can upload the Holmes Ref 2.0 pdf to Lulu easily, but it seems I can't just use this - I'll need to separate the covers and upload them separately. I may also have a problem with the top and bottom margins. I have these very small to maximize the info on the page, but this may create problems with a printed product due to the variance in trimming. However, I am in the process of updating the Futura font and I may be able to adjust the margins while in the process.

  7. Zach H - I just now downloaded all the reference sheets -- it is likely that I have downloaded many of them over time, but I figured having a local directory full of them makes them more likely to be used in my games.

    In doing so, I noticed that the link for "Magic Item Reference Sheet v1.0" is broken.
