Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Interesting thread on "The Worlds of Gary Gygax" on the Piazza forum.

Interesting thread on "The Worlds of Gary Gygax" on the Piazza forum. I contributed a few tidbits: the Realm/Borderlands from B2, the Barony of Horn from GW1 The Legion of Gold, and the ELDER WORLDS, a solar system setting created for a sci-fi version of Lejendary Adventures.

Originally shared by The Piazza

Gary Gygax fans: Can you help with this list?:

Do you know how many fictional worlds Gary Gygax created...or helped create? Havard is creating a list of them all. Are there any that he missed? Do you know of any obscure worlds that most fans don't know about?

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea, since Yggsburgh is essentially set in an alternate Oerth
