Thursday, September 14, 2017

Zenopus Castle adventuring..

Zenopus Castle adventuring..

Originally shared by Scott Mob

Meanwhile inside the ruins of Zenopus Castle..


  1. "The light cast by the wizard's charm"!?! New interpretation coming up!

  2. Keebler elf!
    Does this settle the old argument?

  3. Thanks Scott; what a fun find. Good thing there was no casting time on that spell.

  4. Oh wow. This is actually the ad that got me to ask my folks to get me D&D. It was in the back of a really bad Star Trek comic IIRC.

  5. Hey, Gwendolyn Harper: Was it a Star Trek comic that featured a planet of bat-riding gnomes with magical hats? Because if it was, we may have had a similar origin in gaming!
    ; )

    Here's what I want to know: why isn't the shambling mound found in the Holmes Basic, as it's obviously a wandering monster commonly found in Zenopus Castle?

    And I LOVE the implication that green slime is some leftover residue of the shambling a particularly evil slug trail!

  6. Jonathan Becker It was either issue 14 or 15. I think 15 (so the middle or the right one). The middle issue had some wacky Kirk possessed by a Pharoah thing so if so it must be no. 15. :) Small universe in any case.
    (Also wasn't the shambling mound in Holmes basic? I recall a lot more AD&D critters turning up there than in the later B/x releases)
