Friday, September 8, 2017

Seen on Facebook originally:

Seen on Facebook originally:


  1. My guess: Bootleg.

    The site looks like you can sell "your" designs to the marketplace. And the one D&D one I looked up was listed as a "Limited Edition" (probably they hope to sell a bunch then pull the design before they get caught) and there was nothing mentioning WotC anywhere on the page, and I'm sure a license would have to include some kind of trademark info to be legit.

  2. Rule of thumb when viewing any tee shirt online: it's bootleg. There are exceptions, but they are exceptions, not the rule.

  3. Any t-shirt I see on a place like Facebook, that's absolutely true.

    I used to be part of the community at Threadless, and they are legit. Not to say they haven't had requests to take things down, but it was never stuff that was reproducing imagery directly from something already out there... I've seen Threadless themselves get bootlegged far more often than they've had to take an original design down because of a dispute over the IP referenced in the design.

    Plus, I think it was always Lucasfilm, IIRC.
