Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thinking about going to Gary Con this year...Anyone here going?


  1. I'll probably go for just saturday.

  2. Planning to get up there for at least 1 day. First year. Really no excuse considering I am less than an hour drive.

  3. Harley Stroh - I know, I suck!
    Jon Hershberger - is it too late to discuss the option of me working the merch booth?

  4. Andy Action - not too late at all, Andy!! We have a big booth, but we also have or expect to have loads of Top Shelf loot for the GaryCon faithful!!

    You wanna figure out a time for a live call? Hangouts chat?
    FB Facetime?

    You know I'll make time for my man, Andy!

  5. Let's talk tomorrow if you're around - I'll email you and we'll set up a time, my friend :)

  6. I reserved a room but it's not looking like it will happen for me this year. Perhaps next. My local group has been talking about a monster road trip, one of these years, to LG, WI. Rent a van and whatnot. If we end up doing that next year, you'd be welcome to pile in with us!

  7. Would like to some year, but this won't be it.

  8. I'll be there. Running games Thu. and Sun. at 12:00.

    Rich Franks, just Sat.? That's a shame!

  9. Zach: Jon and I will both be there. You also considering NTX, or would GaryCon replace that this year?

    Agreed, Handy Haversack: Rich Franks, I thought you were around for more time than that, including Sunday night??

  10. Charley Phipps
    Damn, Druvas...It won't feel like GaryCon if you're not going to be there!! /sadface

  11. Andy Action - Yes, I'm available all day today and Friday, Andy. Tonight and tomorrow night are questionable as my brother Danny came home for a visit this weekend.

    LMK when is good for you!

  12. Allan Grohe

    Somehow, I read "GenCon" instead of Gary Con.

    I hadn't had coffee yet.

  13. I wish I could. I'm pretty much religated to one con a year so I have to make the most of it. I usually attend Penguicon​ in the Spring because it gives me a good cross section of what I enjoy.

  14. Jon Hershberger I'm definitely going to miss being there this year. I enjoy hanging out with you and chewing the fat, as it were.

    My wife demands I take her on a vacation every so often and now that the kiddies are getting older, they want to go to England and France. Who am I to argue? ;-)

    Will see you next year or perhaps I can slip in a visit to the NTRPGcon... :-)

  15. Missed it last year. Was hoping to catch it this year, but it's smack dab during the kids' March Break.

  16. Allan Grohe One or the other. I had been thinking NTX again, but haven't registered or found airfare yet. My friend Scott already has a room reserved for Gary Con, so I started thinking I might like to try that out. But I'm still thinking about it.

  17. It's a tough call if you're only doing one, Zach H, but this year I'd lean a little more toward NTX: GaryCon will always be there next year.
