Monday, January 23, 2017

I've not seen it mentioned/talked about so I'll ramble.

Originally shared by Eric Norred

I've not seen it mentioned/talked about so I'll ramble. Remember the ICE Middle-Earth game-books and the Lord of the Rings Adventure Game? There's a game on RPGNow/DriveThru/Lulu that seems to be fairly obviously a 'retro-clone' of said rules, fleshed out and beefed up and made more complete, all along with an appropriate name: Tales & Legends. The pdf is only a dollar fifty and the Lulu paperback (the only choice I'm afraid) is 8 bucks. Buy them both. Roll your eyes at The One Ring's over-long-rambling rules set and grab this and reference your ol' MERP stuff and get to the wild, wonderful weirdness that is/was ICE's Middle-Earth-type adventures but with rules you can actually use. (Then demand the author offer a hardback! ;) )


  1. There's also MEAG - Middle Earth Adventure Game - which is a free pdf

  2. When I was a teenager, I made an introductory RPG using the rules from the books so I could DM my younger stepbrother while we were on vacation. A few pages of notes and some dice were easier to carry than my AD&D collection. Later, the LOTR Adventure Game came out that was pretty much the same thing. I never did pick it up, though.

  3. Tales and Legends is nice but needs some editorial correction—not so much typos as missing text. I think the author's Dark Sagas is probably the more complete game—but it seems like he took it in a DnD direction (not that that's bad, but the OSR does DnD just fine).

  4. I have dabbled in MEAG on past occasion..

  5. Hi Jonathan, I liked it better than MERP, which is too complicated for it's own good in my opinion as a game system (but has great maps and art etc.). There are different versions of MEAG I believe such as MEAG 2.0 etc.

  6. Scott Mob​ Cool. I have tracked down both 3.2 and 4.something versions.

  7. My word, there's an awful lot of numbers and formulae flying around in Tales & Legends. Then I had a look a MEAG with it's 5-page character sheet. That's probably not for me either. Sigh...
