Tuesday, January 17, 2017

AD&D T-shirt from 1982 Sears Catalog. I don't recall seeing this artbefore. I wonder who the artist is?

AD&D T-shirt from 1982 Sears Catalog. I don't recall seeing this art before. I wonder who the artist is?

Originally shared by Adam Hutcheson

My mom found an old Sears Wish Book from 1982. What I would give for this shirt...


  1. I think one of my daughters still has that shirt, if you want it. Why you would want a Gargamel shirt, I'll never know. 😂

  2. Zach: the style looks familiar-ish. Who drew the art from the Basic Set ads (I think), that showed a part of PCs descending a grey stair from a door? That ring any bells?

  3. It would be great to get a high-res photo of that shirt!

  4. Tony Rowe:  that's the one I was thinking of, thanks for digging it up! :D

  5. I think that your shirt appears to be signed "Williams" to the right of the copyright/licensing text---is that right, Gabriel?

  6. Good work, all. Looks like there were at least two designs in that shirt line.

  7. That's the year I started to play.

  8. I don't recall the shirts in 1982, but I think I was only focused on the Dungeon Hobby Shop catalogues for most, if not all of my D&D wants & purchases. Sears & Monkey Ward catalogues were for wishing for Star Wars & Micronauts toys! ;)
