Tuesday, August 30, 2016

DM best practices compiled by Chris Kutalik​ and Alex Schroeder

DM best practices compiled by Chris Kutalik​ and Alex Schroeder

Originally shared by Alex Schroeder

A 50-page PDF and Kindle compilation of GM best practices by a host of OSR early bloggers, from 2011, collected by Chris Kutalik. Download here: http://hillcantons.blogspot.ch/2011/08/now-playing-at-free-download-near-you.html

My own "wisdom" is in this blogpost: https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/2011-08-20_Building_a_Better_GM


  1. This reminds me that I really need to freshen up my dm'ing with a concise list of rules. I believe there was something called ADDICT or some such on Dragonsfoot at one time.

  2. Yes, that's the work of David Prata, Charley, and you can download it at dragonsfoot.org - www.dragonsfoot.org/files/other/ADDICT.zip

    IIRC the latest version that I have was 17 or 20, but I don't know what the latest version is, offhand.
