Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Holmes Art Prompt #3

Jon Wilson wrote:

Plenty of time to jump in with an entry for F.E.I. Volume Two.

Points of inspiration, the next:


  1. As it looks, it'll be late in this month for a deadline.

  2. Hey John are any of the back issue available still? I want in on the action. I will try and drum up a submission as well

  3. Thom Hall I ran a give-away for copies of the few remaining print copies a while ago, but I didn't get much of a response, so I still have those copies (just 3, I think). My idea is to donate them to charity raffles and stuff like that, so they may pop up one way or another in time... I'll post it here in the group when that happens...

    And thanks for thinking about submitting — I'd love to have as many voices as possible in Volume Two!

  4. Submission 2 (I know it's pretty standard... best I can do on limited caffeine) -

    Wandering Mahishasura

    Often mistaken for an obese garden-variety minotaur, the Mahishasura hails from a land far away but is powerfully controlled by its wanderlust. Miahishasura share all of the negative qualities of a minotaur. Gluttonous, simpleminded, evil, and immensely strong they favor oversized two-handed weapons and frontal assaults. Their horns are small and their teeth are rotten, so they typically do not pursue physical attacks with their natural weapons. Although they do not value treasure in the slightest they resent leaving it behind for others to enjoy - thus all their spoils are torn asunder, fouled with excrement, and then carefully hidden away - usually by unmarked burial. Enormously fat but immensely strong, Mahishasura embody most of the evil character defects - lusty, slothful, lazy, foul-tempered, and prideful. They are easily provoked to wrath but are too lazy to long pursue vendettas that take effort. While they like the idea of living in a maze they can't stand their own stench and clutter and thus attempts at lairing always are transient. Recruiting them into armed service always is a mistake - they hate order and rules and are as likely to slaughter friend as foe. Males typically eschew clothing, preferring to demonstrate their copious manhood. Females are ever so slightly more demure.

    Armor Class: 7
    Hit Dice: 7d8
    Move: 120'
    No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
    Damage: By weapon
    No. Appearing: 1d4
    % in Lair: 0%
    Treasure Type: Nil
    Alignment: Chaotic Evil
