Sunday, April 16, 2017

Be honest: how many of you (uh, okay, besides me) have discovered/been inspired by/taken/stolen ideas for a dungeon...

Be honest: how many of you (uh, okay, besides me) have discovered/been inspired by/taken/stolen ideas for a dungeon from American Ninja Warrior..?


  1. No, because I haven't watched it, but I can imagine it would be a great inspiration for challenges involving verticality, which is often missing from maps drawn with an overhead view

  2. Same boat as Zach here. it might be a good source for XCrawl ideas though...

  3. It reminds me of The Golden Child, where Eddie Murphy is jumping from vertical log to vertical log holding a glass of water; or Raiders of the Lost Ark. Guess it's no surprise the 3D guy gets into this stuff!
