Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Join the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (Holmes) group on Facebook!

Join the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (Holmes) group on Facebook!


  1. And Zach, please connect with me there; I'd like to make you an Admin of the Group if you're willing.

  2. Thanks Jonathan, I appreciate the invite, but I use FB for family stuff so for privacy I keep it separate from G+ which I use for RPGs.

  3. Is there an 'objective' to the group, or does it just aim for general nattering about Holmes Basic?

    I ask because I already have followed a Holmes Basic group, and it mostly points me to stuff I've already seen (but occasionally brings something to my attention that I haven't seen).

  4. It's a discussion group, so it's for whatever folks want it to be. Probably a lot like this G+ group, but on Facebook. The other one, if I'm not mistaken as to which one you're referring to, is a "Page," which is a one way discussion about Holmes that is not very often updated. The limitation of that format is what caused me to create the group. Does that help?

  5. I just created a FB account hooked up to my gmail address. So now I am FB as Zenopus Archives.

  6. Great! Gotcha. You're now an Admin over there too.
