Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thoughts on followers in Holmes Basic from Desert Scribe at the Super Galactic Dreadnaught blog.


  1. Good article. Not sure I'd start the demihumans with attracting followers as soon as he does (at 2nd level), though if you were running a pure (capped at 3rd level) Holmes campaign I could see it; if running a level 6 cap game I wouldn't start followers until at least 3rd level. re: thieves, I'd do them similar to fighters attracting followers but sub bandits, other thieves of lower level than the PC, and possibly demihumans/humanoids (of neutral or evil alignment only). Food for thought..

  2. There is additional NPC hireling information in B1 "In Search of the Unknown" - also included in earlier Holmes Basic D&D box sets, but I don't recall if it addresses your specific concerns. I believe it was mostly about fleshing out individual hirelings & henchmen.

  3. Not to mention Holmes' own simple hireling rules, published as "Warrior-for-Hire" in Alarums & Excursions #11. Zach H summarized the article on his site:
