Friday, February 6, 2015

Part 46, covering the introduction to the Sample Dungeon.

Part 46, covering the introduction to the Sample Dungeon. Just a few minor changes here, so the whole story is by Holmes.
(Posted this morning, but I didn't have time to post it here)


  1. I'd be inclined to think Zenopus was more like Eibon than Malgyris. The latter was in complete control, whereas Eibon had a less firm command of the powers he possessed. His escape might also suggest an untold ending for Zenopus, should one choose to go that way.

  2. I posted here because the site gave me difficulties -- or I'm old, choose your preference. Also, I picked up an ebook (in addition to my various paper volumes) of 133 of Smith's tales for $1.99. Hardly a fitting price for a master as Smith, nor was it even close to being a comprehensive volume of his work -- but I'm not complaining. 

    Mother of Toads creeped me out.

  3. Julian Levallon Good point about Eibon vs Malygris. I just found another 'doomed' wizard candidate - Avyctes, in the Double Shadow. I doubt we'll find an exact match for Zenopus just a collection of possible inspirations.

  4. Indeed, I didn't mean to come across like the world's expert, but as I read back it sounds snotty. CAS has a number of stories with necromancers, and perhaps his overall sardonic tone was the inspiration. Or as you point out, a collection.
